Medicare Supplement Plan F Should You Buy It?

Share: Medicare Supplement Plan F is the most popular plan available to people who are over 65
, but should you buy it? The short answer is YES. However, there may be other options worth considering depending on your health and financial situation. Considering all our options is definitely beneficial and will ensure you purchase the best Medicare Supplement Plan available.
Medicare Supplement Plan F is the most popular plan because it offers the best benefit package. This plan covers your Medicare Part A & B deductibles, as well as the 20% coinsurance original Medicare does not pay. Seniors who purchase this plan rarely pay for any physician services and never see any hospital bills. It is easy to see why this plan is the most popular and the best.
Medicare Supplement Plan G is exactly like Plan F, except you must pay the Medicare Part B deductible, which is $155 for 2010. This plan can be more affordable in some areas because the amount you save on the monthly premium is greater than the annual deductible. However, in most situations this plan is only $10-15 cheaper per month, meaning your total out of pocket will be the same for both plans F and G.
Medicare Supplement Plan F is certainly the best, but Plan N is making waves in the marketplace and is gaining in popularity. This is especially true for people who are leaving Medicare Advantage Plans in favor of Medicare Supplemental Insurance. This plan is significantly cheaper than Plan F, but you have to pay the Part B deductible as well as $20 co-payments at the Doctor and $50 co-payments for emergency room visits.

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Medicare Supplement Plan F and other plans isq to contact a national Medicare supplement insurance broker. Every company offers the same exact plans with the same benefits, which is why it is extremely important to shop all companies. Saving money in this economy is necessary, especially for seniors who are on a fixed income. An expert will recommend you purchase Plan F from the company who offers you the lowest price, providing they also have good customer service.
Medicare Supplement Plan F is definitely the best option available to people who are over 65. However, Medicare Supplement Plans G and N should not be overlooked and can be more affordable. Contact an expert who specializes in Medicare Supplement Insurance to see which company, plan, and price is best for you.
by: Tyra Phillips
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