Martial Arts - A Viable Parental Tool for Cultural, Physical, and Mental Development

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, Physical, and Mental Development
There are two prevailing thoughts regarding martial arts. The first is that martial arts are learned essentially to hurt people. The other thought is that martial arts are adequate to learn when someone is prone to being bulliedthose that might be mentally or physically weak.
Both prevailing thoughts, however, are grossly incomplete. First, martial arts center on far more than the physical. The first lesson taught by a good martial art teacher is not just the appropriate use of force, but the appropriate time to use force.
Martial arts is also a significant exposure to another culture. Through a martial art, you generally learn what is and what is not acceptable, the folkways and morays of that particular culture. As a result, the cultural learning through martial arts really provides a significant gateway to learning about another country.
Martial arts such as karate, tae kwon do, judo, and hapkido for example, develop the mind, perhaps more than the body. This development is especially vital for children, for martial arts teaches them to focusa problem for kids of almost any age, even children with ADHD.
Martial arts also teach important life lessons. For example, there is a hierarchy or an order. Promotions don't occur unless they are earned. And, there are rules to follow if you seek to perform well. Do these lessons sound familiar?
Perhaps more than anything else, martial arts supplies confidence. This confidence arises not from the power of knowing how to hurt. To the contrary, this confidence comes from the success of self accomplishmentthe confidence that comes from self awareness.
Martial arts can play a key part in maintaining fitness. One out of three children is obese today. Children, and even most adults, that take martial arts three times a week, for the most part, maintain good fitness. Importantly, these habits of fitness often last into adulthood and later adulthood.
Finally, martial arts leads to athleticism and athletic accomplishment. Certainly, plyometrics or equipment from will certainly increase overall athleticism and explosiveness. However, martial arts works in much the same way over time. Almost all martial arts sharpen foot speed, a critical requirement for almost all sports.
Like anything else, what one gains from martial arts depends on two factors. First, a good instructor is a mustbad teachers exist in all professions. Second, like most things, one derives from martial arts what they invest. A little research and a little ambition is all that is needed for one to develop both culturally, mentally and physically from martial arts.
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