Male Pattern Baldness Can Be Treated - Take Action and Don't Panic

Share: For forty-five million American males, baldness is a fact of life
. Often showing up in a man's 20's, hair loss typically occurs around the temples and crown and progresses throughout life. People generally lose 50-100 hairs per day, each to be replaced by a new one. This regular cycle tends to slow as a person ages. In males, the onset of puberty brings large increases of testosterone into the blood stream. Clinically termed, androgenetic alopecia, male pattern baldness occurs when the 5-alpha reductase enzyme converts the abundant testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This builds in the hair follicle, preventing necessary proteins from becoming available to build new hair. Most popular treatments act to inhibit the conversion and subsequent build up of DHT, there by allowing hair follicles to maintain their natural cycle. The chemical, minoxidil, has been found to be the most effective topical solution synthesized. Treatments include twice daily application to the scalp on the affected area for the life of the patient. While this treatment works for many men, adverse side effects have been reported, including loss of libido and irregular heart palpitations. Internal medications exist in the prescription form, which act to inhibit DHT creation. These are relatively new to the market but have been found safe by the FDA. Natural supplements exist that perform a similar function. The Saw Palmetto herb, often used for prostate health, has been found to greatly reduce DHT production in the body when taken in doses of 150 to 300 mg daily. For many men, the first step in stopping hair loss is to maintain proper nutrition. An improvement in diet can show remarkable improvements in hair growth. By eating foods rich B-vitamins, folic acid, niacin, and minerals including Zinc and magnesium, follicles will have the necessary building blocks to function. Reducing simple carbohydrates and saturated fats will improve the body's ability to absorb essential nutrients. Taking a multivitamin supplement is a great way to ensure nutrition levels are being met. These treatments require patience in abundance as results may not begin to appear for three to six months. For immediate and more dramatic results, hair restoration surgery is an option that surgically transplants healthy hair from a donor region on another part of the body, to the area of thinning. This option can be painful and carry an expensive up front cost. If your showing signs of baldness, don't panic, effective treatments are available. The sooner you act, the more successful you'll be. Commit today and you'll soon be counting the number of hairs back to your familiar self.
Male Pattern Baldness Can Be Treated - Take Action and Don't Panic
By: John Farikani
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