There are many stories of individuals being able to earn a lot of cash online by flipping websites
. Basicaly to flip a web site you have to build a web site and then use Search Engine Optimisation methods to get it ranked properly on Google, so that you are making some cash from the website.
You then put the web site up for sale and hope you get a good offer on it. There are specialist web sites that cater for auctioning off websites I know this very brief explanation of what web site flipping is doesn't do justice to the ammount of work and time that's needed to actually create a money making web site and then to be able to sell it, but it will become clear why I have glossed over the whole process.
From the point of purchasing your domain name and getting it highly ranked in Google can take anywhere from 3 12 months, and if you are not skilled at Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) it may cost you thousands of dollars to attain front page ranking.
People who are successful at site flipping usually have a team of outsourcers they get to do the work for them. This allows them to be working on 10, 20 or 50 web sites at a time, which permits them to turn over web sites fairly quickly.
If you're starting to think that earning money online by website flipping is just not for you, what if a lot of the hard work was taken out of website flipping? Would you be interested then?
Well there is a way of buying web sites that have already got hundreds and thousands of back-links pointing to them. Creating back-links to any web site is a protracted and boring procedure that can drive most individuals to tears. So having a website where that has already been achieved for you will not only save you time but also speed up the entire technique of flipping a web site for profit.
What if you could additionally pick up these back-linked websites for next to nothing? Well you now can because of RankFlippr.