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Make Your Own Wedding Cards On The Net

Make Your Own Wedding Cards On The Net

Wedding cards for invitation kits have become a fad with brides nowadays

. The simple wedding invitation of the past is not a kit containing different pieces of cards with different uses. These wedding invitation kits mainly consist of the following cards, RSVP card, the main invitation card, reception cards, thank you cards and wedding invitation insert cards. This article will talk about the uses of these wedding invitation kit cards and how you can save when you make them. This will also discuss the many ways to get fun, one of a kind invitation kit without breaking your budget.

Its not a surprise that weddings are stressful to organize, let alone expensive. Brides and wedding planners find ways to create beautiful and unique wedding invitation card at a strict budget. After all, saving on one detail of your wedding will let you allot more money to others such as the catering, flowers and decorations and even the venue. The best place to look for one of a kind wedding kit designs is on the net. There are sites that offer card making and designing services and make your own wedding cards sites that you can use, plus, they offer their products and services at a much lower price compared to specialty boutiques and stores that make custom made cards.
Make Your Own Wedding Cards On The Net

For a wedding invitation kit, you would need an RSVP card to tell your guest that they need to confirm their attendance, the main invitation card that contains all the wedding ceremonys details, reception cards which contains the wedding receptions details and thank you cards which is a simple token of your appreciation for your guest who attended your wedding. These are the most common cards used in a wedding invitation kit. However, some wedding invitation card kits would include insert cards. These insert cards could be anything like the weddings program, specific instructions, a map to the venue, anything thats related to the wedding and can be helpful for the guest.

One way for you to make the cards in your wedding invitation kit unique is to get each card in different sizes. This is most beneficial for RSVP cards since this catches our guests attention and lets them notice the RSVP for the wedding. Another is to use different tones and hues of the color scheme of the wedding to match the wedding cards. instead of using plain brown for all cards, one card can be colored red brown, the other light brown and the next one a dark chocolate brown. Try to make the wedding cards look unified yet individual at the same time. Make them look like a team but make sure they play their parts right.

by: Debbie J
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Make Your Own Wedding Cards On The Net