If you want to make money online then a good place to start for the beginner is Craigslist
. A lot of Internet marketers do not really understand how profitable Craigslist can be. In the past Craigslist has often been overlooked by people starting out as it is not about building your own website. Obviously what I am talking about is what some people consider junk is what some else would pay money for. Why not make money from someone else's unwanted items. Reselling items that you've gotten for free or at a super low price, can easily be sold for a profit on Craigslist.
Basically you maintain a low price in the Ads to sell quickly and make a small profit. Obviously selling at a small profit means you will need to list multiple items. Scaling up like this will be a winner. Say if you posted 35 items of small profit, you will end up with a large one. When you get into your stride and learn to post quickly you will have so many items on Craigslist that the effect will multiply.
Garage Sales and relatives are a good place to start to get some really cheap (or free) items to sell, even though it may seem like hard work I am sure you will not mind when the money comes rolling in. In no time at all I am sure you will get in the flow of it and start making a decent income.