Make Money Online With me

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Make Money Online With me
Hello my name is Edwin Velez, I'm sure many of you out there are in the same situation I was in, struggling to pay bills, hating the current job you work in now, yes that was me. I was looking for a business opportunity that will give me the freedom to work for myself, set my own hours adn spend more time with my family.
I searched everywhere, google, youtube, doing my research on legitimate companies out there that can help me achieve my goals but also Iwas on abudget and did not want to spend thousands of dollars creating a business that would fail in less than a year. That's where I ran into Global Domains International. I spent days and days researching the company trying to find negative reviews on GDI, I know it's funny but that's the sure fire way I could see if a company is living to it's potential. I did not find any negative reviews in GDI and decided to give it a shot and signed up.
Signing up with GDI was a part time venture for me, for $10 dollars a month I was able to setup my own business, I also got a website from them and my own (.ws domain name). All for less than a pack of cigarettes in Brooklyn,ny, where I was born and raised.
Network marketing is one of the most fun and rewarding businesses in the world. I was blessed for signing up with a team that guided me, and helped me find the potential in me to make it in thsi business. My main goal is to help others now to do the same, this is not a get rich tomorrow scheme, it takes hard work and learning, but hard work is what people are doing mow and making others rich, it's time to make a change and realize that it's about you and your family, life's to short to blow that and I'm sure you agree.
People fail because they are not listening to those who do know what they're talking about, if amy od you decide to signup and become my downline associates, you must also be willing to duplicate exactly what I teach you. You will fail trying to reinvent the wheel, so promise me you'll follow our system. Your first 90 days are crucial, and we start the clock today as you begin your decision making.I feel everyone as the potential to do whatever they want,come join me and we'll do it together.Go to
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