Nowadays with the internet growth there are many ways to earn an extra income. If you are looking for an easy method to make money online I recommend paid-to-click web sites (PTC). No skills required and you'll spend less than 10 minutes per day. is an example of a legit and trusted paid-to-click website that pays users to view ads.
So what is a paid-to-click website?
It's extremely easy to understand, I'll explain:
A paid-to-click website consists of advertisers that will pay you real money to simply view their websites or products.
How can I start earning with them?
First of all you'll need to register for free, you'll need an username, your personal email and a valid paypal or alertpay account to receive your money.
How much these programs usually pays per click?
Most of all, the legit ones will pay $0.001 up to $0.005 per click.
Why should I spend my time to earn less than a cent per click?
No worries, you can easily multiply 20x this value with some efforts using our affiliate program.
How works this affiliate program?
If someone register a new account using your referral link you'll earn a commission every time this person you referred view an ad. You can earn up to 100% of your referrals earnings by simple making an upgrade on your account that costs only $6.00 per month.
Let's make a simulation on how much you can earn per month?
You have 200 active referrals that click 15 ads per day with a $0.001 per click. $0.001 x 15 ads daily, you earn $3.00 per day, that is $90.00 per month. A good amount of money for almost little effort. Now imagine if you have many more referrals.
What is the best ways to get referrals?
-Invite your friends or members of you family to sign up.
-Build a site/blog with some payments proofs with your referral link.
-Advertise your referral link on others paid-to-click websites.
-Use PPC (pay-per-click) network like bidvertiser network to advertise your referral link.
These last two are the most expensive ways to get direct referrals, however they are the most effective.
How long it takes to receive a payment and when can I request for a payment?
You'll receive it in less than 7 days, usually within 72 hours after you requested your payment.
Follow this link to sign up for free and start earning cash online: