Make A Christmas Quiz With Good Christmas Trivia Questions

Share: By using good Christmas trivia questions you will ensure that the customers attending your pub Christmas quiz this year will have a great time
. Christmas quizzes are becoming increasingly popular with bars, pubs, hotels, clubs and even some hospitals and family evenings.
Maybe it's the fact that it's the festive season and the way people expect to feel more jolly then, or perhaps some other reason, but many people will enjoy answering Christmas trivia questions yet run a mile if they were asked to take part in a trivia quiz at any other time of the year. This is notwithstanding the fact that a large proportion of Christmas Trivia questions are really only general knowledge with only a vague reference to what this time of year signifies to Christians.
A question such as "In what modern country did Noah's Ark finally come to rest after the flood?" the answer to that is Turkey, and the association is that people eat them at this time of year (turkeys, not Turks!).
Another example of Christmas trivia is "Name the date in 1223 that St. Francis of Assisi construct the first Nativity Scene?" Most would never have clue about the answer to this, but it is a Christmas Quiz, so why not take an educated guess at December 25th? And you would be correct.
So the very fact that we are dealing with Christmas trivia questions should enable us to take a guess at the answer with a good chance of getting them right. Not every answer is going to be 25th December, of course, but because the topic is fairly specific, your choices are correspondingly fewer and that's reason why more people enter a Christmas quiz than would be expected for a general pub quiz.
Quiz nights are popular with many families in December. However, the questions will often be too hard for those that do not take part in trivia quizzes regularly. You could always buy a quiz and add a few easier questions of your own, or even add these to a harder quiz you already have.
One problem that a compiler has is that there is a difference between those that quiz regularly and those that do so only once a year, and the regular quiz competitor will not be stretched to answer questions that others would find excessively difficult - especially at Christmas when many of them will study the popular questions often asked in a Christmas quiz so they will be better prepared than ordinary people.
If you intent to host a Christmas quiz it is important that the questions fit the capabablities of your participants. This is quite difficult to achieve and most amateur quiz compilers will make their quiz either too simple or too hard. They wrongly believe that if the know the answer to a question themselves then it can't be too hard or too easy. Anybody can spot the false logic in that, and it is both easier and potentially more lucrative to pay for your Christmas trivia questions - or even a complete Christmas quiz.
The reason is that you will have ruined your chances for next year by setting a bad quiz this year. It's perfectly acceptable, and even sensible, to buy quizzes and then change some of the questions with some of yours and find out how they are accepted. Who knows - you might be a quiz-compiling Laureate, but you have to test your abilities before you burn your boats for the future.
Compiling a Christmas quiz needs no specific skills, but compiling an interesting quiz that is neither too hard nor too easy does. I once attended a quiz that was doing fine until the last question which was to name the entire English rugby team that beat France in the Six Nations that week. There's a potential swing of 15-20 points on that one very specialized question alone, and this is how you should not set a quiz.
There should not be too many sports questions in a Christmas quiz. Most people like music and movies with a seasonal theme, and you should have one round on the real Christmas message. So get going and we wish the very best of success in getting together some fabulous Christmas trivia questions.
by: Peter Nisbet
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