Okay so once again I want to provide quality content for you.
After several years online I have come to realize that making money online does not have anything to do with your name or popularity in the market place. It only has to do with finding new sources of Targeted traffic for whatever you are promoting.
I see today that many people are automating this process or outsourcing it. Frankly, I love to do this myself, because there is more feeling and thought put into this. Moreover, people who read your products would know its written from the heart and will come to recognize your work.
okay so just how is money made online?
Well I always use the power of leverage and always test small.
The first thing you want to do is sign up with a CPA network whereby you earn money from actions taken by visitors to the offer you are promoting. You need to do this because you want to make sure you eventually get your ads for free. What I mean is if you are paying for traffic from a source and you are paying $0.05 cents per click and the website visitors arrive at your CPA offer which you are promoting and you earn $3.00 for every email submit, this means you have just made a profit which will cover the cost of your advertising. You want to also have a way of collecting their names and email address so that you can contact them with other higher priced CPA| offers or with other related affiliate products.
Once that is done, you can very quickly build your list and make even more money.
I have been using this technique for a long time now and this has proven to be a successful model.
Look around and find others how are successful online and try to copy what they are doing online. You could decide to promote re-billing products whereby you only have to do the hard work once. Once that happens and you get a sale, you get paid every time the customer is re-billed for their subscription.
You can get more tips at my website http://www.imrisinternetmarketing