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Add to this, the economic downturn has removed the middle-class, everywhere in the developed world, away from quality medical care.Talking of quality health services, people living in the African and Middle-Eastern countries certainly look up to health tourism destinations as they lack even the basic medical care back home. Making it extremely accessible for patients beyond their own borders, medical tourism has come to the rescue of many a needy person. Wellness travel has come to be the accepted norm these days and many more are opening up to it as an option that not only saves money but their precious time as well. Statistics have it that more than 180,000 Americans headed overseas for nearly every imaginable kind and type of medical treatment, tummy tucks, heart valve replacements, hip resurfacing surgeries, addiction recovery, fertility diagnosis and treatments, thalassotherapy, restorative dentistry, etc. There are many countries that cater to the international health traveler, but the pioneers of health tourism have to be India, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. As varied as the medical tourists themselves, the roster of treatments is surely an exhaustive one. Agreed, the notion of complex surgeries abroad and other procedures in far-flung land seems intimidating to many, but with a thorough research on your part, you can get to be at the best healthcare center in no time. Backed by accreditation from international health governing bodies, private hospitals have everything to offer that you'll find it in a healthcare center in the West. So, in an overpriced and overburdened U.S. and U.K. healthcare environment, seeking alternatives to costly treatments for yourself and for your loved ones seems to be just the apt thing.
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