Lying Children –Disciplining Your Child Techniques
Lying Children Disciplining Your Child Techniques
True story told by Rosie O'Donnell on Sirius XM satellite radio.
Do you have a little child around the ages of 4-6 that is starting to tell untruths? If so, you will enjoy this story. You may not agree with the method but the story is funny none the less. Now the names and events have been changed to protect the guilty. But it just might work for some lying children and disciplining your child.
There was a little boy named Aaron who was about 4 years old. His mother came into the room and asked Aaron if he had brushed his teeth before he went to bed. Aaron told his mother that he had brushed his teeth. Now his mother knew that wasn't the case because of his dry untouched toothbrush hanging from its holder.
"Aaron?", his mother said. "I know you didn't brush your teeth. Do you know how I know you didn't brush your teeth?" Aaron looked with his cute little lying self and said "Um how mommy?". His mother said to him, "Aaron did I ever tell you about the mommy dot? The mommy dot appears on the forehead of a child that is not telling the truth."
Aaron couldn't believe he didn't know about this dot. So he got out of the bed and looked in the mirror. His mother said, "Now Aaron only a mommy can see the dot. That's why they call it the mommy dot to teach the child right and wrong and to teach a child to be honest." So the next day he asked around and even asked some of the mommies he knew. He later told his mommy that none of the other mommies could see the dot on his head. His mother said, "Only the mommy of her child can see the dot on her child's forehead."
Aaron knew now he could not lie to his mother without her knowing. He had to figure out a way to out smart his mommy by not always telling the truth if it was going to get him into trouble. So for the next two or three years when Aaron would lie to his mother he would put his hand over his forehead to cover up the mommy dot. Now she can't see the mommy dot.
So what do you think of Aaron outsmarting his mommy? Again you may not agree with the method but it sure is a funny story about how to stop lying children and disciplining your child.
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