Lung Cancer : One Of The Dangerous Diseace
The lung cancer or lung cancer is a dangerous disease due to uncontrolled cell growth in lung tissue
. This growth can give metastases, which are the invasion of adjacent tissue and infiltration beyond the lungs. The vast majority of primary lung cancers are carcinomas of the lung, derived epithelial cells. According to WHO, is the most common cause of cancer death in men and after breast cancer among women . It causes 1.3 million deaths per year worldwide . The most common symptoms are shortness of breath, cough (possibly spitting of blood), and weight loss.
The main types of lung cancer are "small cell carcinoma" and "non-small cell carcinoma. This distinction is important because treatment depends on: lung carcinoma non small cell is often treated with surgery, whereas small cell carcinoma usually responds better to chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
The most common cause of lung cancer is chronic exposure to tobacco smoke, including passive smoking .The incidence of lung cancer among non-smokers, who represent about 15 of cases , is frequently attributed to a combination of genetic factors, radon in air to asbestos , and air pollution .
Lung cancer can be seen on chest radiographs and CT. The diagnosis is confirmed by a biopsy. This is usually done by bronchoscopy or CT-guided biopsy. Treatment and prognosis depend on the histological type of cancer, its stage (degree of spread), and the general state of health of the patient.
The vast majority of lung cancers are carcinomas - malignant states of proliferation of epithelial cells. There are two main types of lung carcinomas, classified according to size and appearance of the malignant cells under a microscope by a pathologist: non-small cell carcinomas (80.4) or small cells (16.8) . This classification, based on histological criteria, has important implications for clinical management and prognosis of the disease.
The non-small cell carcinomas are collected because their prognosis and treatment are similar. We distinguish three subtypes: squamous cell lung carcinomas, adenocarcinomas, among which there are subtypes papillary, solid, acinar and bronchioloalveolar lung carcinomas and large cell.
Representing 31.2 of lung cancers , squamous cell carcinoma of the lung usually starts near a major bronchus. Often found in the center of the tumor a hollow cavity containing necrotic tissue. Squamous cell lung cancers often grow well differentiated more slowly than other types of cancers .
The adenocarcinoma is responsible for 29.4 of lung cancers . It usually originates in peripheral lung tissue. Most cases of adenocarcinoma are associated with smoking, but among those who never smoked ("never smokers"), adenocarcinoma is the most common form of lung cancer .The bronchioloalveolar subtype is more common among women never-smokers, and may have different responses to treatment.
Carcinoma, small cell lung (also called small cell carcinoma) is less common. It tends to occur in the larger airways (bronchi primary and secondary), and grows quickly to become large enough . The "oat cell" contains dense neurosecretory granules (vesicles containing neurohormones) that provide an association of paraneoplastic syndromes and endocrine [22]. Although more sensitive to chemotherapy at the beginning, however, it causes a worse prognosis, and is often at the stage of metastasis detection. Cancers of the lung are divided into small cell disease at a limited or extensive stage. This type of cancer is strongly associated with smoking.
Carcinoma, small cell lung (also Called small cell carcinoma) IS less common. It reach out to Occur in the larger airways (bronchial primary and secondary), and Grow Quickly To Become wide Enough . The "oat cell" contains dense neurosecretory granules (vesicles containing neurohormones) That Provide paraneoplastic syndromes year association of endocrine and . Although more sensitive to Chemotherapy at The Beginning, howeve, it causes a prognosis worse things, at am and is Often the placement of metastasis detection. Cancers of the lung are Divided Into Small cell disease at a limited or extensive training. This type of cancer associated with smoking IS Strongly.
The stages of lung cancer are characterized by the degree of extension of cancer from its original site. This is an important factor in prognosis and potential treatment of lung cancer. Carcinoma of the lung non-small cell evolves from stage IA ("an A" best prognosis) IB or II to IV ("four" or widespread metastatic cancer, the worst prognosis) [26]. Lung carcinoma small cell is classified as limited stage if confined to one half of the chest and in the field of radiotherapy alone, otherwise it is classified as extensive stage.
by: Anna Kerry
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