Loss of Appetite Natural Remedies - Effective Anorexia Treatment
Loss of Appetite Natural Remedies - Effective Anorexia Treatment
Loss of appetite or reluctance to eat food can be due to many factors both mental and physiological. People going through stress and emotional turmoil are likely to develop this disorder. Gastrointestinal disorders, prolonged suffering from serious disease and certain medications also result in loss of appetite. Many have the tendency of overeating or snacking in between meals. These are very bad habits that result in various liver problems leading to loss of appetite.
Excessive intake of alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages is another main factor for loss of appetite. Some abstain from food out of the fear of gaining weight depriving the body of its essential nutrients. This condition is known as anorexia, where people intentionally avoid food and adopt extreme measures in dieting. This should be discouraged as it may hamper the normal functioning of the vital organs leading to life threatening conditions.
Loss of appetite can be diagnosed by insufficient intake of regular meals, which is often followed by nausea. General weakness prevails along with depression and sleeplessness.
Loss of Appetite Remedies
Loss of appetite can be treated easily in most of the cases, but it should not be neglected as secondary complications may crop up if the body immunity falls below a certain level.
1. Start taking tasty but easily digestible foods to enhance the appetite. Fruits and vegetables restore the digestive functions and improve the appetite.
2. A mixture of lime juice and ginger juice is very useful in enhancing the appetite. Both lime and ginger are good appetizers and are widely used in treating loss of appetite.
3. Regular intake of lime juice in water adding a little bit of salt is very effective in treating loss of appetite.
4. Garlic stimulates the digestive glands and taking soup prepared from garlic helps in improving the appetite.
5. Taking oranges adding few pieces of ginger and sprinkling black salt is very effective in restoring the loss appetite.
6. Regular intake of 30 ml of coriander juice is very effective in improving the appetite. Sprinkle some rock salt for better taste.
7. Chew some large raisins adding salt and black pepper to sharpen your appetite. This treatment is very effective, for persons recovering from fever or flu.
8. Chewing small pieces of ginger with salt throughout the day is another effective remedy for loss of appetite.
9. Drinking pomegranate juice adding rock salt is another nutritious drink that helps in restoring the appetite.
10. Taking grape fruits daily is a useful remedy to treat Anorexia.