Looking For Cheap Home Insurance? Here's What You Need To Know

Share: Having home insurance is imperative in today's day and age
. Equally important, your home and its contents should be adequately protected. But that's not all, it's also necessary to have liability insurance, in case someone gets hurt or injured on your property. Insurance rates, coverage, policies and costs can be confusing. You can find cheap home insurance with adequate protection.
When it comes to home insurance there are several different types of policy agreements. In fact, did you know that there are some policies that will not cover all of the contents inside the home? The contents may be covered at their resale value, which is second hand value, not their replacement cost. Even if you paid $5000 for that leather couch, it's second hand value may be only $500 and that's what your insurance company would reimburse you for. Or, if you are not married to a partner living in your home, your policy may not cover their content, only yours. If you have some of these special needs, you should review these types of issues in your policy before ever signing on the dotted line to purchase home insurance.
Another consideration is that in almost every policy any single possession typically won't be covered for more than $2500. So even if you have an appliance, a wide screen TV, furs, or jewelry, your insurance policy is likely to only cover up to that amount for that item. For additional coverage you have to have a rider which specifies the possession and its value. Of course the rider is an additional cost.
Your home insurance will cover the cost of rebuilding or repairing your home. The land is considered separately, so while your home may be appraised for, say $250,000, the land is worth perhaps $50,000, so your insurance company would only cover $200,000. The logic is that the land could be sold by itself for the $50,000.

Share: A factor to consider is whether you live in an area where home values are changing, whether upwards or downwards. If you bought the home 10 years ago your policy may be woefully inadequate in coverage if the house has increased in value and your coverage hasn't been adjusted to reflect that increase.
A quick tip regardless of what type of policy you have is to get photographs or a video of everything inside of your home. Store these photos outside of the house somewhere. A relative's house will do or in a safety deposit box at a bank. Your photos will verify all of the items that were inside. This is key because there is no way to list all of the items you owned from memory alone. When you make new purchases take a photo and tape the sales receipt to the photo.
Get the coverage you need with cheap home insurance.
by: Dee Power
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