Looking Back Those Days Enjoy Reading Cheap Children Books
Childhood ,as the word comes in mind a sense of tranquility transmits
. We recount all those moment and it fills admixture of joy and melancholy. We as an artist work on a canvass using multiple colors acknowledging ourselves as an artist. Using colors which we draw it from our life's experiences and happenings gives much satisfaction, happiness, some sorrow all intermingled.
Shakespeare has also stated phenomenon of childhood and manifest how a child creeps like snail while going to school. It is argued among the group of intellectuals that childhood is a creation of society and refute it as a natural phenomenon. This has produced in Centuries of Childhood written by Philippe Aries, a french historian. In fact , Hugh Cunningham has taken up the theme for his book The invention of childhood. The books explores you the historical aspect of childhood from the Middle Ages which he refers to post war period. Aries after studying paintings, gravestones, furniture, and school records found that before the 17th century children were mini adults considered by people of that age. It was the time of Renaissance when artistic depiction of children came in to existence dramatically in Europe.
The invention of childhood written by Hugh Cunningham discuss all about it and readers see themselves on every page of the book. The book is available at 12.79 without any extra charge on delivery procedure. You can buy this book online too. Apart from this book you can buy other