Liver Checklist - Helping Seniors Understand About Liver Disease
Hepatic diseases, more commonly known as liver diseases
, are medical illnesses that directly involve the liver. Problems with the liver are usually categorized as:
Alcoholic liver diseases that are directly linked to alcohol abuse
Viral liver diseases that are caused by different types of viruses. Hepatitis is probably the most common virus that attacks the liver.
Fatty liver disease is the most usual kind of liver disease. It can start as the result of another illness, such as diabetes, or it can be alcohol related.
Liver Checklist - Tips to Keep Your Liver Healthy
A liver checklist can help you better understand your liver, and you can learn how to keep it healthy. Most seniors don't understand much about how the liver functions unless they are having problems with it. Most liver diseases can be avoided by living a healthy life. You are never too old to take care of your health.
Here are some tips that you should know about:
Immunization When Traveling - When you are traveling to certain countries and regions of the world, you need to make sure you are immunized beforehand. It's possible to get diseases, like malaria and Yellow Fever from mosquitoes if you are not immunized.
You will need to take oral medication against malaria, or get a Yellow Fever vaccination for some countries.
Hepatitis is another illness that is transmitted through food or water, or through sexual contact or infected blood.
All of the above illnesses affect the liver. You should check with your physician to find out what countries require Yellow Fever immunizations, and how many weeks in advance you need to be immunized. Some experienced travelers prefer not to take malaria medication if they are going to be in certain countries for longer periods of time, because most malaria medication can damage the liver if it is taken too long.
Reduce alcohol consumption - Keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum. If you consume more than a couple of drinks, you are causing your liver to work harder to process the alcohol.
Watch Your Weight - Control what you eat. Stay away from too many sweets, white flour, and greasy food. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. Obesity can eventually turn into fatty liver disease.
Don't Mix Alcohol with Medication - Mixing alcohol with medication can have hazardous results. This is a dangerous cocktail that can result in liver failure, or liver damage.
Keep Your House Ventilated - You breathe in chemicals each day, and these need to be processed through your liver. Airborne chemicals are known to damage the liver. It is all the same if you are using detergent to clean your floor, spraying your garden, or painting your house. All of these substances can affect your liver.
Exercise - Seniors should continue exercising throughout their lifetime. Exercise keeps the muscles fit, and combined with exercise; it helps keep seniors from getting overweight, which also keeps them from having extra problems with their livers.
Liver Checklist - Conclusion
Liver diseases are serious health problems. Learn more about what it takes to keep healthy by creating your own liver checklist.
by: Carrie Roberts
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