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Limiting Belief Systems and Relaxation for Increased Success

Limiting Belief Systems and Relaxation for Increased Success

Limiting Belief Systems and Relaxation for Increased Success

The basic education that most of us receive is laced with restrictive language either real or implied consequently most of us actually believe without any doubt that our futures will be limited. This is so ingrained we are unaware of the restrictions we have attached as an unmovable anchor.

One of the best approaches to reverse limiting beliefs is to say the opposite for example: I deserve to be able to live a good life.' I know I have it within myself to succeed.' I shall develop relaxation techniques so erupting unnecessarily will be a thing of the past.' Money is not evil and I shall have loads of it because I know the value of money and how to manage it appropriately.'

Personal Freedom is not something to fight for with battalions and tanks and the mightiest of fighting spirits to get what you desire. Nope it shall visit you right from the heavens because it is a God given gift of peace and only comes to those who have a perspective of life and how to embrace it without grasping it too tightly.Limiting Belief Systems and Relaxation for Increased Success

Whoopee an awakening is about to happen and history is about to be made as your appreciation for peace overflows allowing relaxation to ease over your psyche emanating through a most inviting aura.

The first step towards inviting relaxation is to learn how to meditate and this is aided with a plan of approach versus attack. We desire peace so we shall use peaceful words as language has a very strong impact on behaviours and consequently results.

Before we develop a plan there is one essential fact that requires attention and this is nonnegotiable.

You have to change how you think right all the way to having an open mind that all things are possible. Then you must have total belief in the process but most importantly you have to believe that changing is the most important action for success in all avenues.

Right now mark on the calendar that today you have made a conscious choice to enlarge your life through the most beneficial avenue ever experienced by your body mind and spirit. Congratulations. Whoopee!

Useful tip: Daily sit down for thirty minutes with your eyes closed while listening to soft easy listening instrumentals like for example classical music or even religious themes and actually listening to Enya is magical; that is of course that you like the wee Irish lass. Tooralee tooraloo! Oh I almost forgot: write down a positive belief that propels you to achieve all that you can be. Go on do it now; W-R-I-T-E!
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Limiting Belief Systems and Relaxation for Increased Success