Life is Just a Theatre, and People are Actors in it…

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Just after computers entered our life, various electronic entertainments rushed into it too. And computer games, without any doubts, are leaders among all electronic entertainments. If after these words a skeptical smile has appeared at your face it means you have never played an interesting game, never wandered around unexplored worlds, never flown to the far planet and never combat side by side with guys from your team against clever and guileful sorcerers from another dimension. It means you just have not found your game yet, a game playing which you can spend night after night.
One of the most favorite and demanded kinds of computer games are role playing games and small wonder! Any psychologist can confirm, that from 4-5 years and further role game becomes leading activity of a child (by the way, each of us goes on playing different roles during the whole life!). But are there any other chances to become Jedi Master, powerful magician or mysterious elf?
Computer RPG games trace its roots back to the board games and live action games when all was played like the dramatized show with the only difference that unlike the real performance there nobody foreknew what would be the plot.
Computer role playing games started its triumphal procession over vast expanses of virtual world in 90th of the last century, and nobody knew that their success would be stunning. Several years passed and such entertainments broke all conceivable and inconceivable records, thousand of people took their seat in the evenings in front of the monitor to continue their way of the great soldier or all-powerful necromancer.
Soon electronic games' producers saw that there were some lacks at such RPG games. First of it was static character of the plot accurately registered by the program, and orientation of the action only at one hero for whom that invented world was created. And the era of online multiplayer role games has come!
Working out and promoting of the hero remains in the best traditions of usual RPG games: in the beginning of the game player should assume the role of one of the given characters possessing an initial set of some skills and possibilities. Advancement in a plot gives the chance to raise the level, and together with it to get and develop new abilities. But then the most interesting things begin!
There are MMORPG games that can be played by thousand persons at the same time, and there are even online multiplayer games that are played by millions of players concurrently! Do not worry, in the virtual world there is enough place for all. Now you are surrounded not by characters-robots who repeat only texts and dialogues given by its developers but by the real heroes and someone plays for that heroes like you play for your one, and it means, that each of them lives own life, conducts reasonable dialogues, nobody knows what will be further, a plot can be changed every moment and in absolutely unexpected direction. It is the dream of each user: the real-life, unusual world living on own laws, its participants can be friends or enemies, can machinate and deceive, join hands and even find love
Developers constantly expand game space, add new tasks and riddles, enter "fresh" characters, release additions to online role playing games. And inhabitants of a kingdom or a galaxy immediately (online) start development of these innovations. All this action captivates and carries away and people can play online multiplayer games during several years!
In a word, having tried at least once to plunge into atmosphere of fascinating adventures and involute events of online rpg games, there will not be the way back. But nobody even look for this way back. Nobody regret about it!
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