Life Insurance medical examinations

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Life Insurance medical examinations
Before you can quote your policy and your final score actually has a medical examination. The purpose of this test is obvious. First, they want the second review of the information contained in your application and you want to know if they have any medical condition, can not be aware of. The medical examination will directly affect the insurability and the final cost of premiums.
In most cases, the> Insurance will pay for the medical screening examination and choose the behavior, will paramedics. In some cases, no medical examination may be required. This usually happens to young people and / or policies with small amounts. In most cases you can expect to be a paramedic contact your doctor provides life insurance examination.
Interestingly, the range of most, it may requestand the type of policy you are looking for, the greater your examination is. The physical examination, blood tests work, electrocardiograms and X-rays combined urine in medical technology. You can thus count on, high cholesterol, liver disease or kidney disease, diabetes, hepatitis and immune disorders, and drug tested for HIV, and smoking.
After examination, the results will be sent to the contributions to the insurance company. give this reasonthe most accurate information about your question is important. If you are discrepancies between the application and results of examinations or may refuse you cover concepts demand a second test.
If you are a medical test interval is reduced to, is your right to be the doctor sent a copy of 'medical examination for an examination by o. If you think the test results are wrong, do not hesitate to contact your insurance Companies are concerned and a doctor second.
Once the insurance company reviews the results of the medical examination and acceptance, is the information To calculate your premium based on all the requirements, regulations, health risks, etc. provided and send your final offer for the political review and acceptance.
Try very carefully the application of the directives. Can be very hard, life insurance, medical fool > The examination and sometimes an insurance company refuse to cover completely based on your inaccuracies, even if they have met when you were more specific, a higher premium in progress.
An example of this came to us by a colleague in Miami, Florida. He stated on his application that he was a non-smoker. And in most cases this was true. He has not reviewed, 3-4 cigarettes a week, to qualify and classify smoking as a smoker. Once the > Check has been completed, showed that he really a smoker. The insurance company refused to continue processing its application for everyone. He stopped smoking for some time, and another insurance company, where the smoke was not accepted as him.
Insurance companies have all the power, and reserves the right not to ensure that for whatever reason they want. In the above example, this could then be found Mans family at the time of his death, the> Insurance refuses to pay the death benefit because they find that he is a smoker, even if its only for a few cigarettes a week. to find out how, you ask? Before the disbursement of benefits, regardless of the amount, the insurance will require a copy of the medical records of the insured. If they find that smoking was one, even if started later in life, could not deny his family the death benefit because she hadinform them of his change of health status.
There are many instances of this. Remember, insurance is paid to search for any reason.
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