Life Affirming And Self Limiting Comfort

Share: Stretching out of your comfort zone is something I challenge myself and my clients to do consistently
. Yes it is one way we reach more of our potential, but it is equally important to have comfort in your life as well. This is what I see as the difference between comfort that is life affirming and comfort that is self limiting
Comfort is life affirming when it gives or brings you:
A place to call home that feels like home full of safety, beauty, a haven, organized work space, respite retreat
Space within your home that is all yours even if just a corner
Space within your life that is warm and welcoming a place where you are able to rejuvenate, reflect and renew. It could be in your home or a favorite spot in your community
Knowledge of who you are in the world that sense of confidence in your abilities, strengths, and knowledge
A sense of connection with the world good friends, family, colleagues
A sense of belonging to a cause, a community, or something larger than yourself
Expert status feeling confident in what you know and what you offer the world
For me, the comfort that is life affirming is the sunroom in my home where I can read, have deep conversations with my husband, or just sit and enjoy the view out my window. Comfort in the love of my husband and my good friends, and the time we share together. Comfort in my cat Cookie, following me everywhere around the house. All of these things bring me a sense of peace, satisfaction, fullness, and connectedness. Comfort is also the warn sense of belonging I feel through my involvement with Chix in Business.
What comfort is life affirming for you?
Comfort becomes self limiting when:
The only reason you stay where you are in your life or career is because it is familiar
It prevents you from trying new routes, new experiences or new endeavors
You let the fear of the unknown stop you in your tracks
You deal with status quo instead of exercising choice
For me, comfort was self limiting when I stayed away from social outings because I felt uncomfortable talking with people I didnt know that was back in my shy days. Comfort was self limiting when I delayed adopting a cat (for years) because I thought it would be too much work. Comfort is self limiting when I find myself saying no to something before I even try it.
What comfort is self limiting you?
When you begin to step outside of your comfort zone, you are not leaving all of your comfort behind, only the comfort that is self limiting. Your life affirming comfort, if nurtured, will remain as a solid foundation to build your life from!
by: Stefanie Zizzo
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