Thousands Now Understand When Is The Best Time To Get Pregnant And So Can You
Thousands now understand when is the best time to get pregnant and so can you. As a certified nurse midwife for almost thirty years, I have advised thousands of women on when is the best time to get pregnant. I am constantly amazed at the number of women that ask me the same question as you have just asked and that is, when is the best time to get pregnant.
It is not your fault that you do not when is the best time to get pregnant. The fault lies within our educational institution. With all the advances in medicine we as a society still fall short when it comes to educating our younger generation about their reproductive health.
If you had proper professional reproductive education when you went to school you would not be asking when is the best time to get pregnant. We cannot blame our parents, as reproductive health education was non-existent when they went to school. Share:
To give accurate in depth answers about when is the best time to get pregnant would take hours. I could run off a list of critical pointers as I have done in other articles to help you understand when is the best time to get pregnant, but what you really want to know is how do you get pregnant.
If you are very healthy then knowing when is the best time to get pregnant gives you a 20% chance of getting pregnant each month, providing you are having unprotected intercourse at that time. Therefore for many couples it can take months or years of trying to get pregnant before it actually happens.
There is no quick fix to getting pregnant fast even when you know when is the best time to get pregnant. The more educated you become about what it takes to get pregnant, what you can do to produce healthier eggs and sperm and prevent having a miscarriage then you will accelerate getting that positive pregnancy test you are looking for.
Did you know research shows that 20-25% of all planned pregnancies ends in a miscarriage? One study tested blood regularly from ovulation to menses and found that 61.9% of pregnancies were lost prior to 12 weeks and in this study it showed that 91.7% of these losses occurred sub-clinically, meaning without symptoms or knowledge by the once pregnant woman.
To learn in more about when is the best time to get pregnant, and prevent having a miscarriage, I invite you over to my web site to watch my FREE Lumalove Getting Pregnant video.