LeadNetPro System - An Online Review

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LeadNetPro System - An Online Review
LeadNetPro seems to be popping up everywhere. LeadNetPro this, LeadNetPro that, everybody is talking about. Launched in 2010, LeadNetPro quickly became popular amongst the Internet Marketing and MLM crowd. After years in the Network Marketing industry the founder of LeadNetPro decided to build a piece of software that would eliminate lead generation! And that is exactly what LeadNetPro does. Apologize for using and at the start of the sentence, I know it's bad grammar. Anyway, if you're looking to build a business in Network Marketing you need a consistent flow of leads. You may or may not be in the Network Marketing industry, LeadNetPro has just been very popular in the industry so I am talking to you guys. In order to sponsor reps into your company you need people to speak to. Most Network Marketing companies tell you to make a list of all the people you know and to start ringing them up pitching them on your opportunity. Once you have burnt out all your relationships with friends and family, you need leads! Now lead generation is either very time consuming or will cost you a lot of money. Using LeadNetPro, you literally tell the program what kind of leads you want and press go. It's as simple as that, almost. The software is web based so there is nothing to download and it's safe from hackers. Once you scrape yourself a nice big list of leads, you send them an email. Very simple to do, LeadNetPro has its own mailer system within the members area for you to use at will. You just load of your leads, write your email and press send. Within minutes you can have thousands of emails being sent out to thousands of potential prospects. Now, there is more, much more. LeadNetPro have what's called a voice broadcasting system. The voice broadcasting system obviously allows you to send a deliver a voice message to the hands of thousands of people. Again, it does all this within minutes, not hours. Just think about the power in that. I would purchase the software for the lead scraper alone! Having an email and voice broadcasting system is just the icing on the cake. SO my honest review and experience is that LeadNetPro is an incredible piece of software and should be in the toolbox of every marketer!
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