Latest And Impressive Release Of Liferay 6.1

Share: Liferay is a leading and renowned open source portal provider that has come out with its latest and most impressive release of 6.1 community edition
. Let us see in this article what is so impressive in Liferay 6.1.
Community members were very busy till now and they have put in many resources and full efforts for bringing new features and benefits in this version. 6.1 involves multitude of defect fixes and new features that impresses us because of its usefulness and benefits. New features have made this portal platform easier so as to navigate and use right from installation phase till configuration. Earlier while Liferay portal development or Liferay development developers needed to do the modification of properties files manually but in this version there is a new set up wizard which avoids this situation. A new graphical wizard facilitates users with proper guidance so they can set up the portal without any hurdles even if it is for the first time. This new feature makes substantial less daunting of setting task. Users need not require using the wizard while seasoned veterans can skip the wizard step and configure all setting manually.
Developers increasingly use features of Liferay so as to make offshore Liferay development or Outsource Liferay development successful and beneficial for users. 6.1 has many new features to make this happen and has many enhancements that are just not limited to installation and moves further with beneficial features like below:
Customizable for users: This amazing feature allows users to personally customize the page as per his wish or desire. User can make his own version of public page and administrators are able to specify the areas of the page by supporting those changes.
More support for handheld devices: Mobile phones are now supported by this version. It detects the pluggable devices and enables user to modify the content which is totally depended on the capabilities of device.
Consolidation of document libraries as well as image galleries
New support that enables us to mount multiple repositories via CMIS
Support natively that allows us to store and serve videos and images
Staging support is made better with this new version and the platform facilitates edition of sites with rollback and version
More support and better ones for social medias or networking and implementation of Open social 1.1
The new effort by Liferay is that it is also working towards to incorporate an app store/marketplace concept into the portal. Yet this feature is not in this version of 6.1 but app support for deployment is included. Those who are more enthusiastic and interested in finding out more of this release can access complete information from the release announcement.
Liferay 6.1 community edition is ready for download and so developers can quick start their projects of Liferay portal development with new guides and guidelines. It is a solid and powerful portal cutting those traditional ones and ranks higher being a horizontal and attractive portal. It does definitely not stop here and we will likely be more happy with its further releases.
by: chiragaegis
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