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Las Vegas and Henderson Window Cleaning - J & J Window Wash

Las Vegas and Henderson Window Cleaning - J & J Window Wash

Las Vegas and Henderson Window Cleaning - J & J Window Wash

After you hire a Las Vegas window cleaning company, and they clean your windows, they look great, but now you're wondering, "Well how often should I clean them?". And that's a questions that I get asked by clients numerous times: "On what schedule should I get my windows cleaned?" It really depends on two things: 1. Your budget and 2. How much do you care about your windows?

An average Las Vegas house has thousands of dollars of glass, and so you want to protect that glass. If you don't clean the windows on a regular basis, you could have problems such as corrosion, especially from hard water. A lot of the time, hard water will put etches into your glass; meaning it burns holes into your glass. Window cleaning on a regular basis is the best way to prevent that. People ask me how often they should have it cleaned. I would recommend at least every three months. If you don't want to do it every three months, I would have the outside window cleaned at least every six months, and then have the inside and out of all of your glass done once a year. I highly recommend that - it will keep your glass look great, and it should keep it corrosion free for years to come.

Imagine you're driving up to a Las Vegas Taco Bell, you just ordered your mexican food, and you're looking forward to that employee that's coming to the window to give you all your food, and all of a sudden they have a Burger King shirt on. And you're wondering, "This is Taco Bell, right?". That is one thing that is so important. When you have a Las Vegas window cleaning company that comes over and is there to clean your windows or power wash your drive way, you should know where they're from.

When the Las Vegas window cleaning company shows up at your door they need to be representing themselves well. They need to have the uniform that represents their company. You want to know who they are. Typically the way a window cleaning company represents themselves will be the way that they'll actually perform the work on the job. Their quality of work, their service, the professionalism they give you. The way a window cleaning company represents themselves will be a reflection on their work: the quality of their work and the professionalism that you will receive from them.

If you're one of those lucky people in Las Vegas that have a high vaulted glass window; those beautiful glass windows, but they're 20 feet up in the air, and you don't know how to get to them, here's the best way to clean that window: Obviously you need a ladder, but with that ladder you're going to need drop-cloths. You're going to need rags that you can put on the ends of your ladder. If you have cultured marble and you put the ladder on that floor, you need to have someone hold the bottom of that ladder or it's going to slide out from underneath you; causing problems on your wall, as well as causing serious injury to yourself and others.

You're going to need to prop that ladder up against the wall. Just remember that before you put that ladder up, make sure you put the rags on each end of the ladder where the ladder will be going against your wall. So, when you put it up against your wall it will protect your sheet rock. Now once you put it up there, make sure there's someone holding that ladder so that it doesn't slip out from underneath you. Then you're going to have to get up there and wash that glass. Make sure you have the right tools: you are going to need a professional mop and a professional squeegee. You can do this, or you can hire a window cleaning company to do that for you.
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