» Others » LPU's Annual Athletic Meet ends with fanfare : Lakhan Singh ( LST) and Mamta Lohani (LSEd) are the fastest man and woman of LPU
LPU's Annual Athletic Meet ends with fanfare : Lakhan Singh ( LST) and Mamta Lohani (LSEd) are the fastest man and woman of LPU
LPU's Annual Athletic Meet ends with fanfare : Lakhan Singh ( LST) and Mamta Lohani (LSEd) are the fastest man and woman of LPU
The Annual Athletic Meet of Lovely Professional University drew to a close with some of the finest sporting feats displayed by athletes of various institutes and schools of the University. A number of records were made by the participating students, as the meet witnessed a more intense competition that ever.
The overall trophy was won by Lovely School of Education ( LSEd).Jaskirat ( LSEd) was adjudged as the Best Male Athlete where the honour of Best Female Athlete went to Priyanka ( LSEd) & Baljeet Kaur ( LSEd) . Lakhan Singh from LST ticked an amazing 11.8 sec to win the gold in 100m to become the fastest man in the meet. In women's category the laurel was won by Mamta Lohani from LSEd with a timing of 14.2 sec. More than 1000 athletes competed in 16 separate game contests in both men and women category.
Er. H.R. Singla , Director General LPU in his statement said, It is heartening to see that the students are more enthusiastic about the games than ever. I can see a marked change in the level of performance of players from student community than it was two decades ago. The results point towards the fact that the potential is on the rise. LPU will work more assiduously towards developing this potential and script possible success stories at national and international level in Olympics.
The program ended with Prize Distribution Ceremony , in which Er H. R. Singla Director General LPU honoured the athletes for their splendid performances. The overall trophy was awarded to Lovely School of Education for leading the score tally with 430 points. The Runners Up trophy was won by LSTCA and the First Runners up trophy went to LSE, with 230 and 170 points, respectively. The vote of thanks was given by Dr. SS Bawa, Dean-LFEd, which was followed by Bhangra presentation a colourful folk dance of Punjab and playing of National Anthem.