Kovair Global Lifecycle
Implementation :
Implementation :
Kovair Global Lifecycle provides several validation checks, and full audit trail, as well as automated monitoring policies that check values to be within specified norms of validity. The policy engine will notify appropriate authorized personal on changes recorded in the system. Complete logging. All changes are logged for reporting. Kovair Global Lifecycle provides web-based and report-based interfaces to obtain records in hum readable for or inspection, review and copying. The system also generates electronics form for the records through file based export of the data. Kovair Global Lifecycle allows users to have ready retrieval of the data at anytime through the application interface. Protection of the data is managed by the Database and Database Administrator. Kovair Global Lifecycle employs the strategy of access groups to limit each authorized user' s access to data and functionality.
Kovair Global Lifecycle maintains a rich audit trail of all events performed in the system. The system will automatically track actions that involve creating, modifying or deleting an electronic record, and will capture the time-stamp, operator, and values changed. Subsequent changes to the records accumulate to the existing audit-trail and will not obscure the previously recorded information in any way. This information is readily available to the agency through the Kovair Global Lifecycle user interface or through reports. Kovair Global Lifecycle allows the organization to create an enforceable and repeatable process, through it' s process engine, which will determine the sequence of steps and events, as appropriate. Kovair Global Lifecycle employs the strategy of user names and passwords to authenticate and authorize users of the system. User names are tied to access groups within the system to limit access to data and functionality as desired.
Kovair Global Lifecycle application only accepts data from validated process components and services installed with the system. Kovair Global Lifecycle provides on-site training on the operation of the system to enable users to perform their assigned tasks within the system. Kovair Global Lifecycle also provides embedded, context-sensitive help with the system to guide users. Written policies are established by each client organization. Kovair Global Lifecycle ' s access groups and audit trail logs can be incorporated into those policies to assist with compliance.
This section refers to each organizations systems administration areas.
(1) Kovair Global Lifecycle provides installation, administration, configuration and end user documentation with the system deployment. On-site and Web-based training is also provided to educate individuals on system operation and maintenance.
(2) Configuration changes made to Kovair Global Lifecycle post deployment are subject the change control procedures enforced by the client organization. Kovair Global Lifecycle will log all changes made in the audit-trail to assist with compliance.
Read more about
Kovair Global Lifecycle at gantthead.com Also read more about
Application lifecycle management and
IT Service Management here.
by: pbrown
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