Know more about JNPT and its relevance in the Foreign Trade

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Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust or JNPT is the organization that looks after one of the largest and most modernized shipping ports of India. Located in Navi Mumbai, the Jawaharlal Nehru Port has been named after the first Prime Minister of India. It is one of most technologically advanced seaports of the country that has incorporated modern logistics and hi-tech equipments to enhance the growth of foreign trade.
Import export business runs on the smooth and efficient movement of goods across the borders of the country, hence it is obvious that the shipping ports play an integral role in development of foreign trade. Ports are the shipyards of dockyards where the goods are brought and then exported or imported out of the country via the sea. Huge vessels or containers are used in the process for loading the goods. Majority of the import export goods are transferred through the sea route as it is both convenient and cost effective. India has established several ports but JNPTis the first preference amongst the traders due to various reasons. According to the statistics about 65 percent of India's container traffic is shipped through the Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust.
What adds to the popularity of this portis their state-of-the-art equipment and technology efficient and computer integrated terminal operation systems. Further strengthening the growth of International trade in India, the Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust offers very competitive rates for goods transactions. It has been efficiently maintaining the norms of International standards and has also been awarded with ISO 9001:2008 & ISO 27001:2005 Certification. The prime responsibility of the board is to ensure complete security of the goods, equipments and cargo.
Those involved in the business of import export are well aware of the relevance of JNPT India in the trade. All traders want to have an access to their shipments records that can help them in various ways. Accessing these records was initially a very cumbersome task but nowadays one can easily access this data from the online database companies selling useful information to the traders. These online database companies collect authentic data from the shipment records of the ports and other reliable sources. Then this information is compiled into a user friendly manner so that it can be easily accessed and understood by the traders. The compilation is done in a tabular form with entities such as Date of transaction, HS Code, Description of Product, Country Destination, Port of Origin, Value in INR, Value in USD, Quantity of the Product, Unit Rate in INR and Shipment Mode. With all this information the traders can keep a tab on the movements of their opponents. The foreign exporters / importers can search for prospective buyers/sellers. This database is also useful for those who are indirectly associated with the trade such as the shipping companies, clearing or forwarding agents and Research companies. Infordrive India is one of the most sought after database companies operating from India. It offers reliable and authentic database collected from JNPT India and other reliable sources at a cost effective price.
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