Keeping a Chicken - Things to Think About Before Adding a Chicken as a Pet
Keeping a Chicken - Things to Think About Before Adding a Chicken as a Pet
One of the more recent trends is keeping a chicken as a pet. Although this is a recent trend to many of us, the actual act of keeping chickens as a sort of pet as been done for ages.Many people who had farms in the past would have one or more hens that they were particularly fond of.The reason for this is that like many animals chickens do have personalities just like most animals and they make wonderful pets. They can be entertaining and fun to be around, and they are inexpensive as far as pets go. They are also easy to tend to and they even help to contribute to their upkeep by laying eggs.For those who have been contemplating the possibility of keeping a chicken as a pet, there are many things to consider. The first and foremost is whether or not it is legal to have a chicken in your area. There are laws that regulate the types of animals one can keep in certain areas of cities and towns.It is important to make sure that having a chicken will not break any laws.Another consideration should be how well the chicken will interact with the other members of your family. This is especially important if you already have other pets such as dogs and/or cats. Some dogs and cats adjust well to a family who has decided to keep a chicken, while others assume them as their next meal.You want to be sure that your current pets will adapt to your new pet as a member of the family rather than the source of their dinner. It is also important to consider how the chicken will interact with the children of the family as well. Keeping a chicken as a pet should be safe for both the chicken and the children.As with adding any pet to your family you must take some time and consider whether you really have the time and resources available for keeping a chicken as a pet. Although they do not require a lot of care and maintenance they do require some time from their owners and it is important for one to evaluate whether or not they have the time and money to care for the them properly.Chickens do make wonderful pets if they are cared for and played with on a regular basis. Whereas they do need time outside, they also like time with their owners and will become friendlier the more time they spend with the family.