Keen Ways to Use Baby Gates

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Keen Ways to Use Baby Gates
In getting ready for baby, it is vital to plan for baby gates; this is to make the environment protected for when baby begins to crawl. Baby gates are versatile and can be used in several locations.
1. At the nursery door, so baby stays put during play time. By the time baby is a few months old and begins to crawl, it becomes tougher to keep track of where baby is at all times. All you have to do is turn away for a few of minutes and in those minutes, baby can be nearly anywhere in the house. Having a baby gate at the nursery door is a way to Guarantee that for that period, baby is confined to the nursery.

Share: 2. At the top of stairs, so baby can't fall (only a wall mount gate should be used at top of stairs). Babies do not really have any awareness of danger and it is up to the parents in baby's life to be protective. A baby will try to follow an adult down a flight of stairs without the thought that it may not be possible for him/her. A baby gate at the top of the stairs can avert a nasty and unnecessary accident.
3. At bottom of stairs, so baby can't climb up. In the same way, a baby will also attempt to climb the stairs and could get hurt in the process. This is why it is crucial to place a baby gate at the bottom of the stairs.
4. Portable, superyard gate is also needed to completely surround baby if you want to keep your little one contained in a specific area. These gates are ideal to take on trips, use outside, take to a friend's home or use in your house when you're busy doing other tasks and can't watch baby at all times. For a busy parent, this is absolutely indispensable. Much as you might like to, you cannot always watch baby 100% of the time.
5. Put gate at top of stairs on your back deck. (a wall mounted gate so it's secure and baby can't push it loose). This is also to prevent baby from falling down the stairs.
6. Put gate across a room to keep pets away from the baby when you're not able to keep a close eye on them both. Pets can get jealous of baby and can be harmful. But even when pets are not aggressive towards baby, babies tend to move anything and everything into their mouths specifically when they are not being watched and as such, pets can very simply transmit germs to baby.
It's recommended to have a few wall mounted gates, pressure gates and a superyard gate so you have a gate for every safety objective. Safety, where baby is concerned, cannot be over-emphasized.
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