Kayak Buyers Guide

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Kayak Buyers Guide
When considering purchasing a kayak, it is important that you research thoroughly to ensure the kayak is going to be suitable for your needs. You probably know where you are going to be paddling most as this will dictate the type of kayak you should be looking to buy. There are different grades of quality of kayak, most of the time it is in accordance with cost, some for use every day and the others casual use. In this kayak buyers guide, we hope to point you in the right direction.
You should always aim to do some research into which type of kayak best suit you. Firstly check out online via retailers sites, as they usually have many manufacturers to choose from. It is also a good idea to search the forums, here you can get advice on purchasing your first kayak from people who have been in your position before. You may even choose to go into local shops to try out some different kayaks to ensure complete compatibility with you and your needs.

Share: Here are some things to contemplate:
Will you be paddling mainly on white water or sea water?
If you are going to be mostly at sea, then ensure you find a suitable kayak which can withstand salt water, and dependant on experience, ensure the kayak has high manoeuvrability (first timers should nearly always opt for a high manoeuvrability kayak)
Or will you be paddling in white water? If so you will need to look into buying a fresh water kayak, these are shorter than touring kayaks, which means more controlled manoeuvrability should you decide to head for rapids.
Will you be using it for short periods of time? Or for long periods of time?
Something to bear in mind if you are using it for just a few hours at a time, one of the smaller kayaks may suit you best, as these tend to feature high manoeuvrability. If you thinking about going on longer trips, you may need to consider consider a large kayak to store supplies and equipment, though this extra weight and extra length will effect manoeuvrability.
Will you be using the kayak for a spot of fishing?
Though most kayaks can be fitted with fishing accessories, it is generally considered best to purchase one which is meant for fishing. It will usually be a lot less expensive than buying all of the equipment separately, and you can be sure that everything is fitted to it correctly in the factory. Some fishing kayaks offer features that can not be fitted to a standard kayak. Here is an example: the Freedom Hawk kayaks are made in such a way which allows the paddler to stand up inside the kayak as the rear of the kayak opens up to ensure solid stability, this kind of feature would be unavailable to fit to a sport kayak at a later date.
What is your maximum price limit, and how often do you plan on using it?
When considering a large purchase, it is always important to know how much money you are looking to spend on what is probably going to be an expensive purchase. You need to also consider how often you are going to use it. This is important as you will usually find that the cheaper kayaks on the market are made for occasional use, and are best suited to this purpose. However if you are considering using it most days, it is usually best to pay a little more for it, as it will usually provide you with a better kayak that is more durable and are better designed than the cheaper models. The more expensive ones will usually last a lot longer and provide you with many years of paddling with frequent use.
Consider all of these things when purchasing a kayak. Another good idea is for you to join your local kayak club and fire questions at people who are passionate about kayaks who can offer you completely impartial advice on purchasing your first kayak. And remember the key to purchasing the correct Kayak for you is research.
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