Karl Jaeger Doubles The Income Of His Auto Repair Shop

Share: Karl Jaeger more than doubled the income of his shop
, opened a second location and brought in over $1 million last year. He now works only about 20 hours per week and takes six weeks of vacation per year. This is quite a turnaround from how business had been in the past. I had been struggling in my one little shop, working all the time. But now theres a big difference in my quality of life, says Karl. I am even able to take my kids to and from school.
Ron Ipach, owner of CinRon Marketing, helped Karl to work smarter and with less effort. Karl explains, I learned what Im supposed to be doing as a business owner.
Karls interest in auto repair began in 1980 during high school. He opened his own shop, Medford Gulf Auto Repair, in 2000 after working as a mechanic in Atlanta Georgia for a number of years. While opening his own shop was profitable, he was working long hours and having trouble keeping his business going.

Share: Challenges
Like many repair shops, Karl had the challenge of differentiating his shop from the competition. Additionally, he needed to implement strategies that would allow him to bring the right type of customer into his auto repair shop.
Karl also needed to become more comfortable with trying new methods while putting his doubt about marketing aside. This would help him to implement the type of strategies that would allow his shop to be successful.
Increase cash flow.
Hire better-trained technicians and office staff.
Decrease expenses.
Increase profit margin.
Implement streamlined systems.
Karl engaged in simple yet effective marketing practices that allowed him to answer the call from his community. He noticed that with the down economy, people were holding onto their cars longer and were looking for ways to maintain their vehicles without having to spend a ton of money. He targeted value conscious strategies that allowed him to stay in constant contact with his current customers, as well as potential new customers.
Additionally, Karl participates in Ron Ipachs Elite Mastermind groups, which allowed him to network with other shop owners who now have a thriving auto repair business. He became more confident in his public speaking abilities, which allowed him to further interact with the group. The Mastermind groups are very useful, says Karl. Im probably the dumbest person in the room; the minds that are in this group are fantastic. Theres no egos at all and always something new to learn.
The benefit from having the group support cannot be understated, as Karl explains, I now have a much improved confidence knowing that Ive got this group behind me. It can be tough to do something different, but with the members of this group supporting me, I know I can do something different.
Im really glad I answered Rons quirky ad and Im glad hes so persistent, jokes Karl. You gotta do it. If you dont market then youre just throwing a sale out there and seeing if it will catch a wind; you have to set your sail properly to get it to its destination.
by: Beth James
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