Just Like A Home Static Caravan Insurance Is A Must

Share: A static caravan is a home away from home
A static caravan is a home away from home. Literally. Thats why its called a static. It gets bought, it gets placed in a holiday park or caravan site and thats where it stays. While the owners, innocent in their joy and hundreds of miles away from the thing, swan about without a thought for the damage, break ins and general malaises that could be being suffered by their pride and joy. Insurance is not just for the home a family lives in its for all their homes. Static caravan insurance is no different.
Let us flip the script for a moment and see how well the point gets home. Imagine having a house and not insuring it. The thought is so alien to the British consciousness it doesnt even fit in an adult head. Not insure a home? Why, that would be preposterous! What about fire? Theft? Break in? Flood damage? Weather damage? Acts of God?
Precisely. So why not insure a static caravan, which is ones home as much as ones home? It has, after all, got appliances in it; furniture; beds; water connections; gas heating all those things that can and do get nicked or go wrong with normal homes. Static caravan insurance is the only way to protect against these things. And twice as important, when one considers the location of a static.
Typically, a static caravan is located in a holiday park or caravan site. These places tend to be unoccupied for six months out of every year left to the tenure of a caretaker and 45 mph winds. Thats because theyre always in beautiful places (ideal holiday towns, in other words) that turn gnarly as all heck when winter hits and who wants to spend a winter weekend battening down the hatches while bits of tree go flying past their windows? Static caravan insurance is the only way to know that some kind of protection is being afforded to the family holiday home in out of season months. These are the months when people break in (look an unattended van with a TV in it!); when weather forces its fingers between seals and seams; when wind starts breaking struts, or disconnecting gas pipes; in short, when everything goes wrong. The things that happen to static caravans always happen when theres no owner around to do anything about them, because statics by their nature are only occupied by their owners for a few weeks out of every year.
Static caravan insurance, then, is a must. Fortunately, its pretty easy to get and comes in fairly standard packages, designed to cover most common eventualities (damp, rot, break in, lock outs, water damage, wind damage). The premiums are good after all, if a person can afford a static caravan theyre unlikely to be the caravanning equivalent of a boy racer and the policies are fair. Dedicated companies like NACO Services can provide full cover for every type and location of static. It is either that, or face the consequences when something goes wrong and the holiday home is uninsured.
by: NACO Services
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