Jobs You Can Try Your Hands In Automobile Industry!
Share: Automobile industry has a myriad of jobs to offer to those who enjoy working with automobiles
. There are some automotive jobs that involves working in an office such as automobile claims adjuster or automobile receptionist. Whereas there are other jobs in automobile industry that involves working outside the office like of
auto mechanic jobs. Requirements for these may include on-the-job training or even completing few years of training. Some of the jobs in the automotive industry can be put into the following categories:
Automobile Mechanics job:
Automobile mechanics are the trained specialist who does the inspection and repair lights of the automobiles. Their inspection may include checking of the brakes, plugs or belts for signs of wear and tear. There are advanced automobile inspection done that involves replacement of damaged engines. Some automobile mechanics do general working on different car designs and model, while there are some mechanics that specialize any repair on only one systems such as radiators.
Tire Changers and Repairs job:
Share: Tire changers or repairers are the car specialists whose works involve with motor vehicle tires. Some of the work is to check the tires for damage and pressure. After analyzing the tires, the damage tires may either be repaired or replaced with new tires. Tyre changers or repairers may get the employment with on-job-training. Some auto mechanics programs might include tire repairing as part of formal course.
Automotive Glass Repairers and Installers job:
Automotive glass repairers (automotive glass technicians) and installers are auto specialists who works with window glass, windshields and automobile mirrors. These technicians learn the makes and models of cars, installation of new window glass and remove damage car windows. Two-year course program or professional-technical schools prepares glass technicians. Some repairers and installers get on-job-training, whereas other repairers and installers might receive training from car equipment manufacturers.
Auto Appraisers Job:
The job of the appraisers is to estimate the value of automobile, it may include reviewing automobile report or viewing the automobile in person. The specialists need some understanding of automobile production, checking the latest value of the automobiles and also performing the independent calculations. Need of the fair market value automobile appraisal includes car insurance settlements. Training for this includes on-job-information and vocational schools.
Looking to the various types of automotive jobs available today, one can easily choose the job based according to his interest as well as his capabilities. Auto industry job plays an important role in playing role in our life as well. Without the employees in automobile industry, we would not have been able to travel from one location to the other. And if you think you can really handle those wheels, then go ahead and choose an automotive career for yourself from
mechanic jobs to
automotive technician jobs, auto mechanic jobs and more to shape up your career.
by: Prasad Josh
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