It'll Be Lonely This Christmas - How To Stay Festive This Holiday Season
Share: It'll Be Lonely This Christmas - How To Stay Festive This Holiday Season
Christmas is coming, and we all know what that means. Far too many eveningssitting alone in front of the television, watching re-runs of It's AWonderful Life with a half-empty bottle of red and a box of chocolates onthe go. Far too many days feeling slightly sorry for yourself as you look atthe rest of the world having a great time.
For those of us who are single, separated, widowed or divorced, Christmascan be a difficult time of the year. If you're separated or divorced withyoung children, there can often be a tug of war over who's going to spendthe holiday with the kids. If you're bereaved, Christmas inevitably throwsup memories of happy days spent with your late husband, wife or partner. Soit's important to plan ahead and make sure you're not - in the immortalwords of Mud! - Lonely This Christmas.
Here are a few tips:
Share: 1 Get Together With Other Single Friends
You are not, of course, alone in quietly dreading Christmas. There are manypeople who will be on their own from the moment they clock off work onDecember 23rd or 24th until they return to work in early January. So why notmake arrangements to get together with your other single friends. Theoptions are endless. You can go to a show, enjoy a Christmas drink or two -or even leave these shores completely and have a break over the festiveperiod. The further you go away, the more chance you'll be able to forgetall about the fuss.
2 Talk To Your Family
Christmas, as we all know, can bring out the very worst in families. We'veall been at the centre of a major bust up with a parent, sibling or relativeduring the festive season. We've certainly been involved in more than acouple of situations in which it really has been a case of ding dong merrilyon high! It can, of course, ruin your whole Christmas. Now it might be thatyou really are better off avoiding them over Christmas. But equally, it isthe season of goodwill, and if you are going through a difficult time,there's a good chance that your family will pick up on it. There's some goodin all of us. You might just be surprised if you pick up the phone in earlyDecember and say hello.
3 Make Sure You Have Arrangements For Christmas Day and New Year's Eve
There's no doubt that the most dispiriting times to be single over Christmasare Christmas Day itself and New Year's Eve. We've met a few people over theyears who say they quite enjoy being on their own on these two days. But wedon't believe them! So make sure you've got something lined up for ChristmasDay, whether it's going to visit a friend or relative or inviting a friendaround - even for a few hours. You will be bound to cheer each other up. Thesame applies to New Year's Eve.You could arrange to hook up with some friends, even if they are in couples.There are almost certainly going to be other single people wherever you go.Who knows?
Share: Alternatively, you could improve your chances of having a nice kiss and acuddle come midnight by
4 Arranging A Date Over Christmas And New Year
Christmas and New Year are actually excellent times of the year to do somedating. It makes sense. People have a lot more spare time. They are in abetter mood generally. And there's a much warmer, friendlier atmosphere inthe air. So why not arrange to have a date - or two - during the festiveperiod. The chances are there will be plenty of willing partners. Who knows,the mistletoe might work its magic?
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