It Contractors Tell Survey When They Are Going To Pack It All In
IT Contractors
IT Contractors
The idea that most IT Contractors want to make as much as they can and pack it is not true but is truer than for most other contractors.
According to a new survey of their members by the PCG, the vast majority of whom operate through a limited company, only 37% of IT Contractors intend to pack it in as soon as possible or at least before they get to 65.
However, that is a good deal more than other contractors, of whom only 28% want to pack it in as soon as they can.
The PCG membership survey was 56% IT Contractors and 44% other contractors.
Second Most
The second most popular answer to the survey question was I want to keep going as long as I can because I love what I do.
That was the top one for non-IT Contractors with 37%.
With IT Contractors it was 30% as a good few less IT Contractors subscribe to that idea.
We truly are a breed apart even amongst fellow contractors.
Other Options
Amongst other contractors 23% said they would need to keep working beyond 65 as they didnt have much of a pension whereas amongst IT Contractors that is less of an issue with 19% saying that it held true.
As regards the answer I will work up to retirement age the amount of Contractors who said yes to that was 14% for both IT Contractors and other contractors.
Its strange (but perhaps not) as that is the norm for most people yet only 1-in-7 contractors said that this was what they were going to do.
So, we know that IT Contractors are different from permanent workers and now it looks as if they are also a bit different from their fellow contractors.
We want to pack it in sooner, we have less worry about working on because of pension worries and fewer of us want to keep on working past retirement age because we love what we do.
Although at 3-in-10 that is still a sizeable number of IT Contractors.
For more information :
by: Gerry
Zaproxy alias impedit expedita quisquam pariatur exercitationem. Nemo rerum eveniet dolores rem quia dignissimos.
2024-12-4 16:28