According to The Better Business Bureau over twenty six hundred complaints against various online dating websites were filed with the agency in 2009
. These ranged from privacy issues, misleading advertising, problems with billing and cancellation of membership, failure to deliver on stated promises as well as a whole host of other issues.
No doubt if the Bureau handled complaints from people whose cyber date was caught lying then they would have to ask Congress for money to set up a whole new agency.
It's not that a lot of these people come online for the sole purpose of lying to get a date. But it happens. Lies that shave off a few years and/or pounds. Not being satisfied with their job or social standing so they create a whole new persona that makes more money than a professional athlete.
Jeffrey Hall an assistant professor at the University of Kansas conducted a recent survey of over five thousand participants to determine their truthfulness when it comes to online dating. His findings were that the amount of lying that occurs in when it comes to internet dating is relatively tiny. The reason being is when they meet someone online the hope is to eventually meet up in the offline world. Telling a whopper will become apparently obvious the second they meet their cyber dating partner.
But it does happen and if you suspect that your internet dating friend is not telling the whole truth and nothing but then you do have a couple of options at your disposal.
1. Dump Them
No matter the reason starting off a relationship with a lie is not the way to build a relationship. If they are willing to do that upon initial contact then what else are they being deceitful about?
2. Investigate Further
You quietly go about trying to get to the bottom of why they lied. Turns out they are crazy about you and really want you to like them. You do and you tell them so. Sometimes they lie not out of anything malicious. They just want to be accepted. In that case reaffirming how you feel may help them to relax and just give you the plain unvarnished truth from now on. The result is you like them even more and they feel better about themselves.