Is There Any Chance I Can Get My Insurance To Pay For Liposuction?

Share: Lots of people know that being overly fat can be bad for your health
. Carrying too much weight can cause an increased risk for diabetes, joint problems and heart problems. When one considers this and the numerous other problems which being extremely overweight of obese can cause, it's no surprise that doctors and healthcare workers so frequently urge people to exercise more regularly, eat more healthily and to lose a little weight.
Given that being overweight can cause actual health problems, some people begin to wonder whether or not their health insurance could help to pay for a surgery that could help to remove the fat. For example, a liposuction (also known as lipoplasty and suction lipectomy) is a surgery which can actually physically remove excess fat from a person's body. The procedure is usually done under local anesthesia, and it takes a relatively short time. During the procedure, the doctor makes small incisions and then inserts a tool called a cannula. A cannula is a very thin, hollow needle which is used to break up and suction the fat from the body.
Once the surgery is performed, it typically takes a few days to be able to return to work and a few weeks to return to full activity. So, everything sounds pretty good, right? A surgery that can quickly and easily remove fat from the body. Unfortunately, the benefits that the surgery provides are fairly exclusively cosmetic. The surgery cannot typically remove enough fat to really affect the majority of health issues, and it is not able to provide the health benefits that regular exercise and a healthy, low-fat, nutritious diet can.
As such, insurance companies are understandably reluctant to pay for lipoplasties. As things currently stand, there is pretty much only one sort of liposuction which some insurance companies are willing to fund. Lipoplasty of the breast is one of the few forms of the surgery which seems to be able to offer real health advantages, at least in certain circumstances.
Women with excessively large breasts sometimes experience neck, back and shoulder strain because of the weight which their breasts put on them. They also sometimes have a hard time getting mammograms because of the size of their breasts. According to some doctors, reducing the size of the breasts through a suction lipectomy can help with these problems. However, there is no guarantee that your insurance company would be willing to pay for this surgery. You will need to speak with representatives from the insurance company in order to make certain.
by: Christian Heftel
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