Is Teeth Whitening For Me?
Share: Teeth whitening (not tooth whitening unless you want only one done...) is one of the most sought after cosmetic dentistry procedures today
. That perfect white smile once the province of movie stars and stage actors has come to be a relatively painless and inexpensive way to brighten up your entire appearance, and feel good about smiling again.
One thing teeth whitening is not, is a cure for an underlying teeth neglect issue. Too many people view whitening as a quick fix to what is really an ongoing issue of poor oral hygiene. A proper evaluation by a Montville Dentist is critical to your oral health prior to undertaking any teeth whitening procedure. If not diagnosed properly, teeth whitening may aggravate an existing condition, become unnecessarily painful, or may not achieve the desired results for the individual.
Whitening has also become extremely popular among the older generation. As a person ages, the adult teeth often appear darker for various reasons and are often compounded by each other. Consumption of coffee, tea, and red wine are common beverages that cause staining. Other beverages that are acidic in nature (soda, certain juices, and other beverages) can erode the white enamel to unmask the yellowish dentin. This can also occur by brushing aggressively, trauma, and clenching or grinding of the teeth will also tend to reveal the dentin. Smoking, certain antibiotics, and genetic factors can ultimately cause discoloration of teeth. Often old fillings can leak and change the appearance of the tooth enamel. It is quite common to notice that as most people get older their teeth get darker and darker, due to stains and plain old wear and tear. More joys of aging!
The best time to start whitening is after a proper exam and cleaning by a dental professional. Tooth decay, sensitive or cracked teeth, infections or gum problems should be diagnosed and treated by a dentist prior to whitening procedure. Otherwise, the whitening process may aggravate and existing condition and make teeth extremely sensitive. Also, much of the staining on the teeth will be removed by a dental cleaning and the cleaning will ensure the efficacy of teeth whitening technique employed by the dentist.
Your dentist can evaluate your oral health and can advise you on different options to safely and effectively whiten your teeth. More importantly, your dentist can also determine whether whitening will work for you. Whitening will not enhance crowns, veneers, tooth colored fillings as these elements require special attention from your dentist as part of any cosmetic procedure. In a professional setting, your dentist will properly administer whitening so to avoid damage and sensitivity that can occur to the teeth and gums.
To sum it up, a proper diagnosis of the whitening strategy for your smile is important. Teeth whitening can indeed be for everyone these days but lasting professional results will require careful administration and care by an experienced professional.
May your smile be a bright one by teeth whitening nj!
by: william denardo
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