Is She Cheating? Signs Of A Cheating Girlfriend

Share: Shes got a lot of headaches lately and is breaking dates with you or you spot her somewhere with another man when shes supposed to be visiting her Mom
. You just know somethings not right.
But does this means shes cheating?
Whether youve been dating a week or a year, you can tell when somethings amiss.
As hard as it is on your manhood, and as hurtful as it is to your trust, you have to know the truth. As long as you put if off or try to deny or justify it, in an attempt to explain away what you see, just entangles you in denial.
As a man, you know your gut instincts are usually right. You subconscious is picking up signs that to your instincts are unmistakable.
Sometimes all you need is some solid proof to dispel any nagging doubts that youre just being paranoid or insecure.
Here are some signals to help you know if the girl you love is cheating on you.
Openly flirting with others
Abrupt halt to sex or sudden increased demand
Flimsy excuses to break dates
Frequent headaches or other maladies that you cant account for, that magically appear and disappear as needed
Lying, secrecy and evasiveness
Making you a special meal or making/buying you a special gift (from guilt and an attempt to look innocent)
Hushed phone calls, hang-ups. Inexplicable defensiveness if you question who was on the phone
Edgy picks fights, finds excuses for blowing up
Calls more than usual in a way thats out of character, out of guilt
New wardrobe, makeup, hairstyle, perfume, jewelry
Buying sexy new outfits and using more make-up but not for you
New interests that pop up out of nowhere, like a new favorite movie, book, TV show, hobby, music style or gathering place
Talks about a new friend at work a lot, or goes on shopping trips looking for gifts for him.
It isnt pretty
Sorry. I know its painful, but the evidence is clear. Now you just need to decide if theres a problem in your relationship that can be fixed, or if its even working out.
Going back to just friends isnt going to be an option in most cases, so the split would have to be final, even though its likely youll run into each other again.
Try to be civil, for the sake of your own dignity. If you have a new date on your arm, so much the better!
Closing Thoughts
Unless youre married or have kids, starting new should be do-able. Dont waste a lifetime kicking yourself of crying over spilt milk.
Forgive (but dont take back), dont forget (learn from it) and keep moving forward.
Confide in a trusted buddy, take some time hanging out in your cave, and throw the football a few times. That single gal in the bleachers is giving you the eye.
A better relationship is just around the corner.
by: Dale L. McClure
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