Is Personal Injury Training Worth The Money?

Share: In a time of austerity and when all businesses are looking at ways of saving money
, spending hard earned profits on additional training might seem like an unnecessary expense. But rather than leaving those profits in the bank to accumulate interest, you might be better off accumulating additional knowledge and skills that could be much more profitable in the long term.
Personal injury training doesn't have to cost the earth. By choosing to employ in-house trainers rather than going for external training courses, you can cut the cost of your training expenses dramatically. Keeping your training in-house means no extra expenses for travel or accommodation, and your staff are still on hand to ensure that the smooth day to day running of your organisation isn't interrupted by absenteeism.
Weighing up the costs.
For a relatively small initial investment, personal injury training represents an excellent ROI. The personal injury claims market is a growing one, with over 1200 whiplash claims alone submitted throughout the UK every day. Many more claims are submitted for injuries suffered at work, through trips, slips and falls and as a result of the negligence of a third party. Every one of these claimants needs representation to pursue a successful claim, and demand for highly trained, skilled claims experts has never been greater.
To ensure that your practice has the opportunity to provide your clientele with a quality personal injury service, you need to invest in the initial training to gain the skills and knowledge you'll need to provide an effective service. While you may already have a basic understanding of the claims process, an in-house trainer can help you develop your service employing the latest in best practice techniques and up to date information.
The results speak for themselves. Firms moving into the personal injury claims market have seen their business increase massively. With an established reputation for delivering a quality service, your clientele will already have a degree of trust in your organisation. By showing them that you and your team are willing to continuously train to improve your level of service, that trust ratio is increased and consequently you should see a proportional increase in the amount of business from personal injury clients. Just one or two personal injury cases could cover the costs of initial training, making it one of the most cost effective investments you can make.
Getting your money's worth
However, personal injury training has to be of a sufficiently high standard to make it financially worthwhile. So before you pick a training organisation out of the Yellow Pages, do some homework first. Find out if your potential trainers have worked with other firms like yours and what kind of feedback they've had. Any training organisation of repute will be happy to provide you with references that you can contact directly. Are they tailor-making a course to suit your organisation, or are they just 'phoning it in'? What levels of increased business revenue have their previous clients experienced as a result of their training, and is that sustainable? These are all questions that you should be asking before selecting your ideal training organisation. A little bit of planning and investigation before committing to a contract could ensure that the training they deliver is worth the money- both in the short and the long term.
Copyright (c) 2011 Sue Richardson
by: Sue Richardson
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