Is It To My Benefit To Pick Up My Employer Based Health Insurance?
Share: The good ole days meant that jobs could be found for most anyone willing to work
. Better ole days indicated that the job offered good health insurance benefits. However those days are long gone, being replaced by a job market too small to adequately support all the job seekers for jobs that offer health insurance related subsides. For anyone who is blessed to have a job that does offer insurance, you might have noticed how pricey it is getting, just for the basics.
After you shop around for private health insurance, you will quickly agree that the job related health insurance isn't such a bad deal after all. Even a pricey plan will translate as a good deal. Health insurance that was completely funded by an employer has already bit the dust of a new day, while partly funded employer policies are the policy stars of today's health insurance stages for many employed individuals.
Employer based health insurance has quite a few benefits that private pay plans don't offer. First off you will usually receive maternity benefits which are usually only offered for an additional fee with a private pay plan. Maternity coverage is just one of the benefits that employer based coverage offers that a private pay plan does not. Many people are not aware of this significant difference between the two plans and don't usually find out about it until after they have already picked up another plan.
Employer based health insurance plans offer a ton of discounts, tied to your participation in HRA programs; being part of a larger group of people insured under the same policy, this is also valuable discount territory and equally discounting is having your employer pay part of the premium for you. These discounts add up quickly and impressively, making it a good deal no matter how you size it up. Participating in the health assessment programs will keep you informed about your overall health and warn you of impending health dangers that can be corrected early or changed for maximum personal benefits.
As expensive as your employer based health insurance policy might seem, finding a all around better deal on a health insurance package of this nature will not happen in your future any time soon. This is serious coverage for most people and why most accept this policy, no matter how expensive it might appear to be because they already know it is the best deal for them.
by: Ethan Kalvin
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