Is It Possible To Make Money Online Without Advertising?
I have discovered from being online for a few years trying to make money that the
only people who seem to get it right are the people who sell you something to also make money online. If you are one of the 95% of people who fail to make money online then you should read this article.
I used to think that everyone was making money online except me and I landed up spending a fortune on all the fancy websites that offer you free teaching on how to get to page one of Google etc. The problem was that any software I purchased to do the job for me simply did not work.
But I could not give up as I simply had no choice being in a country that has over a 40% unemployment rate I could not get a job, so I continued to search for a magic website that would guarantee an income. I do not need a six figure income in order to survive but it would be nice.
It occurred to me that the only thing that all the billions of websites online have in common is that they are all trying to sell you something. But the bottom line of all this "raw capitalism" is that it seems the only way to get free traffic to your website is rather complicated.
There are basics that you need like a website which you can get free in a lot of places but be careful because this free website could cost you over $200 a year. Then you need hosting as well as the standard auto-responder in order to send out the emails so you can make more money from your list.
My advice to anyone without a list is to avoid paying the cost of an auto-responder until you know that you have a formula that works. But this formula needs other additions besides a great website and some hosting. You need traffic or visitors in order to be successful.
Getting free traffic is not as easy as it sounds because you need to get qualified, verified backlinks and a lot of them in order to get any page rank on a big search engine like Google. But getting backlinks is certainly not as easy as it sounds just like the rest of making money online.
During my process of getting guaranteed money online I finally stumbled on a website that said it would not only give me money upfront but it would GUARANTEE that I would make money. So I signed up and tried it out for a few weeks to see what new kind of scam this was.
The shocking truth was that it actually does work and the best part is that you don't have to advertise anything. You don't have to send referrals and you don't need to spend a fortune on buying any traffic. In fact you don't even need a website.