Is It Possible To Make Money Online With Zero Investment? Try Blogging!

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? Try Blogging!
So is it really possible to make money online with zero investment?
Quick answer is yes it really is possible.
Can you make money overnight? not at all! You will have to do one of two things, start small and build your way up or take alot of your personal time and a huge amount of effort to achieve this goal.
What do i mean by start small, well there are a number of free to join work from home programmes on the net, lets say peoplestring and tagvillage for example.
You would join for free start making a little bit of money each week or month, then go out and build your downline. Being free to join this is quite achievable and people will be happy to join with you. This will take a lot of time to start making good money but its free and that's why i say start small and work your way up. Its hard but many people had done it and if your committed you will too.
So how would you get people to join you, that's fairly easy to answer in one word - social Media -
With such a huge audience on social networking sites its hard to believe that marketeers still use ppc, i guess they are just lazy.
Moving on to option two. So option two is something everyone should be doing as its so so easy, What am i talking about? Blogging.
Blogging is so easy to do but to get great results it will take you a lot of time and effort. the time frame in which i speak well anywhere from 2 weeks (if your a webmaster) to 6 months just to get a few results.
Right so that can be a long time, but its 100% free to do, so if its just 20mins a night before bed, its still free and can be huge to you if that's your focus.
Blogging can earn huge amounts of money, my tips to you are as follows, if you stick to these tips you will have results......
1. Stick to blogging about something you love, know and have great knowledge about. (VERY IMPORTANT)
2. Make it fun, don't think about it making money all the time or it will fail you!
3. Give your readers value, don't tell them what you had for breakfast, tell them about something new in your niche or something for them to learn.
4. Don't put ads on your blog right from the start.
5. Don't sell anything on yourblog from the start,.
6.ALWAYS use your own fresh content. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE!!Don't waste your time using other people's content, and articles. Fresh Content will get you up the search engines so much faster and will rank you 100times better.
7.Where possible update your blog once a day.
8. Get yourself backlinks, BACKLINKS are so IMPORTANT!!!!
9. Give away gifts, simple ebooks on your niche will have your readers signing your praises.
10. Social Media - social networking - don't under estimate the huge power of social media and networking. Get yourself some greatplug ins that post updates to your socialnetworking sites, so every time you post on your blog it will show up on your social media sites.
With these 10 tips you will get results but its also very important to remember that every blog is different and the way in which a blog makes money is different for everyone.
So start by using these tips and then find the way which suites you. Blogging is fun so enjoy.
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Is It Possible To Make Money Online With Zero Investment? Try Blogging! Columbus