Involvement of Iraq in London plans

Share: Involvement of Iraq in London plans to mask Kashmir Independence
In the January3-11 of Feburary, 1973 the parcel received in the Iraqi Embassy of Pakistan was found to have illegal weapons. It so happened that at Islamabad Airport a bullet felt from such a diplomatic parcel which necessitated Pakistani police to raid the embassy The linking of this cache to mitigate Kashmir cause through proxy is the theme to be proved here in this paper.

Share: WEAPONS FOUND IN Iraqi. Embassy.
They found a large weapons being transported from Iraqi Airlines up to Karachi and from there to Islamabad. It was the negligence of police and alertness of a common Pakistani labour which found this bullet and compiled Police to investigate the case and find the weapons n the total weapons found on searching the embassy in presence of Iraqi Ambassador Mr Salmani were of Russian Make and marks. They consisted of Stein guns 600, Tousands of Guns. Wireless sets, firearms and other weapons. It was also seen that many such boxes containing these arms were empty. Thus proving a large emanation having been distributed by the London conspirators to execute their plan the whole weapons were distributed among the tribal's of Shared and Blochistan, thereby proving the designs of the loon planners.
The present talabnization and unrest in these areas continue their legacy from the conspirators. This is as said by me earlier that one who digs a ditch for others fells himself in it. In later years this cache was used against the Russian occupants by those who aimed it at maiming the Pakistan. Here the role of ISI in diverting the war to the warmongers land is justified to save Pakistan.
Thus to that extent the evil designs of the communist bloc were partially reverted back but damaging the federal structure and governance of the Pakistan. The northern areas since then behaved as independent tribal constituencies rather than federal Pak governance drive. The Afghanistan insurgency is thus rooted by its so called friends and only assisted by foes on the behest of Sarthe realization of this design to disintegrate Pakistan lead its strategists to plan or assist the Mujahedeen and with handy fund ,ammunition from USA after the Russian occupation of Afghanistan
it took a shape of Isalamization of the conflict. Thus the architects of murder day unrest slept n cocoons of justice and devoted a whole range of the Muslim terrotery.Man proposes God disposes came true.The arms supplier of the yesteryears crumbled under its own weight and lured American to have access to its gas and oil reserve enrooted Afghanistan. During Febuary, 1973 a similar cache of arms was cached from Peshawar University the indolent of Khan Wali Khan WAS suspected. The murder of Abdul Samad Achekzei is associated to these happenings.
This necessitated the Federal Govt of Butto to suspend the governments of Bolochistan and Shared as they were unable to contain these developments .They in turn tired to annulated the govt of but too but did not succeed. The Pakistan Supreme courts judgements of 9th September, 1973 refer. A six Judge bench investigated the matter from 12th October, 1973 to febuary, 1974 and concluded involvement and many aspects of the London plan conspiracy.
The witnesses entered were Mr Riyaz KOO a Nawaee Wakat correspondent posted in London He witnessed the nexus .He testified the meetings of Wali Khan with Shiek of Kashmir, along with annoyed leaders of POK NOTABLY H khursheed,Molvi Noor m Uddin,Sasdar Qoum,Sikindar Hayat,Amaullah Khan.
These leaders were lured and financed by RAW and they were tempted to do so for the united Kashmir as an Independent country as it was before 1947.This processing and preserving Pakistan was tried under many writ petitions of PAK Supreme court which were withdrawn after Buttoo was dethroned by ZIAULL HAQ ON 5th of .July, 1977. On 3rd June 1974 Buttoo had hinted towards a joint war on Pakistan being planned by India and Afghanistan to execute the London Plan of disintegrating Pakistan and annexing POK with Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir. On 14th July,1973 Chinese representative in UNO exposed the London plan by citing Russia and India are conspiring to disintegrate Pakistan futher.
This help and speech threw Pakistan IN THE LAP OF PAK-CHINA universal pact ,which Sino-pack agreement China Pakistan friendship has been a bridge to hinder the trifurcation of Pakistan and shall act as a deterrent to foil all such attempts in future. Even today the west is not comfortable with Sino pack relations on one side and allures India with mechanizations and ISREALI ways to curb just and recognized cause of Kashmir. The Sino-Indian relations always got a lull first due to Russian influence and now under American Influence.
The recent nuclear accord with USA has brought this part of the world on the brink of war. The nuclear holocaust Amy is difficult to contain for the following reasons. 1. Weakening democracy principles in India where minority mosques Babri MAJEED was demolished in open and broad day light under the eyes of world MEDIA eyes and camera. The murder of Muslims in Gujarat and blue star operation in Punjab all are the root cause of reactive actions falsely described as terrorism.
The fact is both the democracies USA AND India have let loose the worst type of Govt sponsored terrorism in Kashmir,GAZA,AFGANISTAN,Pakistan,Iraq. 2.The help of USA to India via Israel to combat the super power status of china is another potent cause of future destruction on the part of earth.Whta we see today in Raunchily PRADESH,Kashmir,Tibet ,Thiawan,Afgan,PAKISTAN,Iraq,sudan,Somalia cards indicated a holocaust near to us .It may be directly or indirectly Kashmir centric .It I were to solve Kashmir now than never.Todays Indian News of 11 thousand Chinese troops in Gilgit make the beginning of dooms day predicted events of this sub content. 3. The ruler of India being alleged to be influenced by Italian mafia.

Share: The masterminding of plans and executions by USA backed and bribed policy makers. The furtherance of western interested and false pride of naked, hungry nation in nuclear proliferation can be the causes of a ruin beyond repairs. The beg-parthawsarthy accord.indra-shiek accord of 1971 and 1947, 1938 events downgraded the image of shiek mohd Abdullah and brought him to be looked not higher than to the status of his companions like Bakhshi.His grave is guarded by forces and is vulnerable to same treatment anytime as that of Bakhshi.
There has been seven attempts to conceal and conspire Kashmir cause and UNO resolutions to shape it as a border issue. Truth is and shall remain the kashmir dispute is an international dispute where the independent state of Kashmir bigger the England has been mutilated and subjugated inflicting worst human rights violations by both Indian forces, world opinion makers.
Involvement of Iraq in London plans
By: G.M. Wani
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