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Investing In Your Mlm Team

The investment you make in you MLM team is one of the greatest investments you can make in your network marketing business

. Attention to this area of your business will pay tremendous dividends for years to come.

One of the core principles of network marketing is helping others achieve their dreams. Network marketing has always been a business of people helping others. Sadly, I see to many network marketers who allow their MLM downline to suffer from neglect. These marketers sign up new distributors, but never take the time to know, train or empower these individuals.

This is a true sign of a network marketer out of touch with the realities of this business. When a network marketer truly understands the power of synergy in their multi level marketing business, the thought of neglecting a member of your network marketing team is unthinkable. The truth of the matter is your success is directly tied to their success. If you are not helping your people achieve, you are hurting your own business growth.

Here are some key investments that I would recommend with your MLM team. First invest in their dreams. Help your team members define dreams that are big enough to keep them going. Help them to see, hear, taste and feel the goals that are before them. Maybe you need to take your new distributor to the travel agent, car dealership or open house to help them picture themselves in the reality of achieving their dreams. This is not a one time investment either. It is imperative that you regularly bring your team members back in touch with the dream that brought them into your MLM business to begin with.

The second investment you need to make is in their training. Too many network marketers are greeted with a congratulatory call from their upline and a list of hotel meetings to attend, but left alone to figure out the business for themselves. Invest in training your distributors correctly. Teach them the basics of promotion, product & presentation. Help them with the things that cause them to be fearful. Let them know that you are there to help them achieve their goals. A person cannot be a dynamic asset to your MLM team, unless you show them how. A lack of investment will be reflected in a lack of results.

Invest in a relationship. Take a few moments to learn about their family, their interests and them as a person. When people see that you care for them as a person and not just a position on a downline chart, they will be much more responsive to you. Keep notes in your contact database of a few personal details, so that you can follow up and ask questions that lend a personal touch to your contact.

Your greater success is directly related to the success of those in your network marketing business. It would make sense for your to make a major investment into the lives of these critical MLM team members.

by: Carl Willis
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Investing In Your Mlm Team