Introduction Towards Smartphone And Mobile App Development
Share: Most of us are carrying smartphone these days
Most of us are carrying smartphone these days. Android, iPhone and upto some extent Windows Phone Series are some of the most widely used smartphone these days; however, Nokias Symbian Series and BlackBerry are still available out there. So what is a Smartphone or in other words how can we differentiate smartphone from a regular phone. Well, I am not a genius out here but as per my knowledge and in simple words, a smartphone is a phone which carries almost all the similar functions as well as hardware specifications as a normal computer. As per the Wiki A smartphone is a mobile phone built on a mobile operating system, with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than a feature phone.
Smartphone Origins
Original smartphone or you can say the first appearance of smartphone was in 1997, when Ericsson described its GS 88 Penelope concept as a Smart Phone. Later, Nokia with 6600, O2, Palm OS, BlackBerry and many other devices hit the market. However, the revolution in Smartphone started with the launch of iPhone in 2007, which was acknowledged globally and widely accepted as a truly remarkable device. Yet, the iPhone was meant to be an expensive device and most people were not able to afford it. The true Smartphone revolution hit the market with the launch of Googles Android devices, which hit the market in 2008. Android carries almost the same functionalities as that of iPhone; however, the device was available in cheaper versions as well, which again prove to be affordable for almost everyone. And finally, after Apples iPhone and Googles Android, Microsoft unveiled Windows Phone 7 series (which later was renamed into Windows Phone series). Unlike the previous versions of Microsoft Windows Mobile series, Windows Phone was entirely different with unique and proprietary Metro UI a new concept and many other unique and cool features. However, even with Microsoft Windows 8, still Microsoft is unable to attract customers as compare to that of iPhone and Android.
Overall the above is a brief introduction about the origins of the Smartphones. However, nowadays a Smartphone is incomplete with Applications or what we say these days as Apps. iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, Nokia, BlackBerry, etc. have their own Market Places, where an individual can purchase an app of his / her choice. For instance, Apples App Store for iPhone contains more than 600,000 apps, Androids Play Store contains almost the same amount of apps and Microsofts Windows Market Place for Windows Phone contains almost 100,000 apps.
Share: What is Mobile App Development and Why We need it?
So now the next question with availability of tons of apps; why would anyone need mobile app development services? The question is right at the first place; however, before we proceed with the answer lets first learn something about What is Mobile App Development?
Mobile app development is quiet simple and somewhat similar to that of software development for computers, web design and development as well as web application development for the internet; the service is meant to provide solutions with an app for mobile or perhaps we can say smartphone devices.
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There are companies and studios first of all who falls under the category of mobile app development. They design and develop apps, which they can sell into the market. For e.g., Rovio, who has come up with the arresting game that we all love to play, called Angry Birds. Secondly, there are companies such as Facebook, who would like to design their own app to increase their user base. Besides, there are also few who would like to increase their sales ratio such as eBay, some who would like to increase their marketing efforts and so on. However, there are also some firms or organizations who would like to design their very own unique app the need could be any, whether its to sell in the market or perhaps to increase their customer or user base, or perhaps marketing and for these organizations it is necessary to have the app designed in their own branding. Obviously, these guys are not loaded with team of mobile app developers; hence, they require mobile app development services to bring their app ideas into reality.
So to summarize all, mobile app development services are required by organization, business or perhaps even an individual to design their very own custom and unique app.
by: ProjectCREATE
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