Interesting Facts about Lanai by:Jeff Schuman

Share: Lanai is one of the islands which make up the state of Hawaii
. Here are some interesting facts about Lanai which you may or may not be aware of.
Lanai is known as Hawaii's most secluded island. The major city on this island is called Lanai City.
Lanai covers 141 square miles and is 18 miles in length by 13 miles in wideth. It has a coastline which extends for 47 miles and has a population of approximately 2,800 people.
The highest point on Lanai is called Lanaihale and it's 3,370 feet above sea level.
Lanai used to be referred to as The Pineapple Isle. However there are so little pineapples actually grown there that it is now often called the Secluded Island.
As a matter of fact, even though approximately 98% of the island is owned by the parent company of Dole Pineapple, the land is no longer used for pineapple production and thousands of acres of pineapple fields no longer exist.
For those people wishing to visit the island, there are two luxury resorts, several world class golf courses, hunting, mountain biking, and diving.
There is only one airport which is located in Lanai City.
The two luxury resort are called the Manele Bay Hotel which offers a wide variety of beach and water sports. And the second resort is called the Lodge at Koele. Since this resort is further inland, it offers activities like horseback riding and mountain biking.
Most of the population on Lanai island lives in Lanai City. It is interesting to note that in 1994, Bill Gates rented out the entire island for his wedding.
As one would expect, the weather on Lanai island is typically very good. Since it is a tropical location, it does get a fair amount of rainfall of about 50 inches annually. But when the sun emerges, it is gorgeous!
There are several places on the island you must visit if you get there. The first is called the "Garden of the Gods". It is located in the northern section of the island and features a landscape of volcanic rock which erosion has turned into a variety of colors, textures, and shapes.
If you enjoy water sports, you'll find that the Hulopoe Bay marine reserve is a great place to go scuba diving. It is also a perfect spot to find spinner dolphins.
If you travel east of Lanai City, you'll find the Lanaihale rainforest. Explore this lush tropical paradise and you can also climb Mount Lanaihale.
If you enjoy these interesting facts about Lanai Island, then you'll find actually being there to be much more exciting. So plan your trip today.
About the author
Jeff Schuman hopes you enjoyed this article on Lanai. He invites you visit his Hawaii Tips website today to see the top things to in Hawaii to make your next vacation or trip to paradise a memorable one.
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