Insurance The Need Of The Car

Share: Car Insurance is very important, because it protects your car from the risk of accidents
. In fact, car insurance in India is compulsory for anyone who buys a car. Since we never know when we can be involved in an accident, it is necessary for us to be prepared. That is exactly what auto insurance does. It prepares us to cover the high car repair costs involved when we meet with an accident, by paying a small premium every year. Not everyone can shell out a large amount of money to pay for damage when they meet with an accident, and that is why automobile insurance is very valuable.
There are many people, those who are extremely careful when they drive, who wonder why they should spend money every year for motor insurance when they havent met with an accident or are confident they drive carefully enough that they wont meet with one. To answer the question, here goes. Statistics reveal that more people die from motor accidents in India than anywhere else in the world. A very scary statistic! Also, no matter how careful we are, we really never know when we could meet with an accident, and that is when we will know the true value of car insurance.
There are various car insurance policies that cover more than just the damage you have caused when you meet with an accident. These policies are also designed to cover the accessories in your car in case someone breaks into your car and steals your music system, or some other valuable accessory from it. In fact, the most basic type of cover in car insurance policies is Third Party Cover. This type of cover only takes care of the cost of damage to the other vehicle. However, it makes far more sense to take a comprehensive motor insurance policy so you also cover the damage caused to your car, and the accessories in your car in case of a theft. You will only need to pay a slightly higher car insurance premium every year to get comprehensive cover.
You can actually choose the type of insurance policy you want, depending on what you think suits you best. There are a number of insurance agents, and companies, that will advise you and offer you various car insurance quotes to help you decide what is best. It is also advisable for you to look at a few different policies and auto insurance quotes from different companies to get the best price for your car insurance policy. Insurance policies are taken for a period of one year, after which you will have to renew your policy. If you do not claim on your policy, your car insurance renewal premium may be slightly less in following years. This is also known as a No Claim Bonus.
by: sandytata04
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