Insurance Customer Retention and Insurance Customer Management Tip: Use a Behavioral Risk Reduction Newsletter
Insurance Customer Retention and Insurance Customer Management Tip: Use a Behavioral Risk Reduction Newsletter
Insurance customer retention and customer management strategies should target your insurance customer's restless sleep problem. I'm not kidding. Figuring out how to make the customer less worried about employee problems, and not just insurable risks is at least one secret I believe to the mother load of sales growth--word of mouth advertising.
One of the most under-appreciated, unknown, and least expensive ways of helping or at least contributing to the problem of insurance customer retention is offering a work-life-productivity-stress management newsletter every month. Yes, monthly. Dont' use a quarterly newsletter format. It isn't often enough to make an impression. Use a interesting newsletter that the entire company will pick up and read with your name and logo will positioned at the top.
You don't know about this insurance customer retention strategy because your path as an insurance agent or producer does not normally cross paths with people like industrial social workers and employee assistance professionals who are the leading experts on two things: productivity problems of troubled employees and helping management deal with them. They are your untapped risk management partners. These folks produce these types of newsletters.
These professionals have produced some of the most innovative approaches to enhancing their own profession, and some of these resources and strategies can help you put business customers and their relationships solidly in your pocket. This of course means better sales and insurance customer retention and insurance customer management. One of these simple strategies is a newsletter that employees claw their way to read each month, and can take home to family members.
Why does this work? It works because it enhances your visibility, credibility, and good will. and it's inexpensive, and it targets personnel problems that create risk and lead to conflicts and lawsuits, and stress for the business insurance customer.
It also works because articles in the right kind of publication drive employees to get help for personal problems, improve their relationships with management, deal with anger, motivate employees, improve productivity and morale, manage stress, prevent accidents, encourage people to think before they act, and reduce conflicts and the likelihood of EPL claims.
What is all that stuff above worth to you if the newsletter can help keep you in front of the business customer with its articles that target these things? If you are not offering such a newsletter as part of your insurance customer retention and insurance customer management program, don't wait.
Problem prevention and improved relationships on the job can be and is influenced by material found in effective workplace wellness newsletters. And, frankly, you should use the same newsletter for your agency too.
Distribute such a newsletter via PDF or print as needed. Your newsletter vendor can supply both, or should.
The last thing your business insurance customer wants is a discrimination, harassment, or wrong discharge complaint or lawsuit. Employee-wellness newsletter address interpersonal topics that help reduce the likelihood of these types of complaints.
Do you think that a wellness newsletter that includes articles that discuss improving one's relationship with the boss, managing anger, and dealing with conflicts, bullying etc. could play a role in reducing workplace violence? Darn right.
This is where insurance customer retention and insurance customer management hits the road and reduces risk.
Likewise a newsletter of this caliber needs to mention and continue to educate employees as to what the employee assistance program can do--the EAP. Why? This is also a key.
Most businesses have an employee assistance program, even it is a lousy one, like those "800#" counseling hot lines on the back of health insurance cards. These are bogus EAPs, but they may be the only thing your business customer has available as a free counseling service for its employees.
A good workplace-wellness newsletter will periodically mention the EAP in articles that tackle personal problems as a source of confidential help. This aspect of encouraging the reader to consider the EAP for a personal problem is a further risk reduction strategy that only a workplace wellness newsletter can accomplish.
None of your competitors are distributing a newsletter right--I mean like the type I have mentioned above, correct? If so, don't hesitate to get excited about this insurance customer retention and insurance customer management idea.
"Search employee newsletters" at and you will see many, many choices for workplace employee newsletters.
Be sure to have your own name and masthead placed at the top of the newsletter. Ask for the newsletter vendor to do it for free. Afterall, you are going to be renewing for years and it should be worth it to them.
Can you see the benefit of an employee workplace wellness newsletter and how it fits in to your insurance customer retention and insurance customer management strategy?
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Insurance Customer Retention and Insurance Customer Management Tip: Use a Behavioral Risk Reduction Newsletter Campo Grande